
About bettyliedtke

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So far bettyliedtke has created 717 blog entries.

Laying the foundation for a Miracle Village

I’m going back to Uganda! The dream that began when I was there last October has grown and expanded and taken on a life of its own.  It’s gathered momentum and interest. It’s generated plans and projects and new ideas. And it has become a passion and mission not only of mine, but of my friend Tabitha and a number of other people who want to see this dream become a reality. If you’ve been reading my column somewhat regularly in recent months, you know [...]

By |August 24th, 2012|Columns, Travel, Uganda|Comments Off on Laying the foundation for a Miracle Village

Sleepy thoughts on a bright, starry night

I woke up at 4:30 one morning last weekend, and couldn’t get back to sleep. Everything going on in my life crowded into my brain, as it often does during especially busy spells. When that happens, I know the tips and tricks I need to utilize to push things out of my mind so I can get some more sleep, but frankly, it felt like too much of an effort. So I decided to get up and get a few things done. I figured that [...]

By |August 17th, 2012|Columns, Family|Comments Off on Sleepy thoughts on a bright, starry night

An Olympic effort can achieve any goal

Like many other people around the country, I’ve spent a good portion of my evenings over the last two weeks sitting in front of my television, watching the Summer Olympics. It’s ironic that an event like the Olympics – which showcases people who are among the most physically fit and active in the world, and who are competing and performing at the highest level possible – turns so many of us into couch potatoes. But starting next week, I’ll get back to normal – although, [...]

By |August 10th, 2012|Columns, Health and Well-being|Comments Off on An Olympic effort can achieve any goal

Keep on singing to brighten everyone’s day

“The sun’ll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun…” I smiled as I listened to a powerhouse voice belting out the popular song from the musical, “Annie.” But I wasn’t at the theatre experiencing it live, or listening to a CD of the soundtrack in my car or home. I was in the checkout line at the grocery story. The singer – whom I couldn’t even see at first because she was so tiny and was on the other side [...]

By |August 3rd, 2012|Columns, Family, Music/Singing, Values|Comments Off on Keep on singing to brighten everyone’s day

It’s not what you fear, but what you do that counts

What would you do if you were fearless? That question came up during a meeting I attended last Thursday. It was a planning session for a “Fearless Women” event that’s going to take place later this year, and as we discussed the event and the question, I had no idea how – or how often – the issues of fear and fearlessness would come up in the next 30 hours. The first instance, shocking and frightening, was when I woke up the next morning to [...]

By |July 27th, 2012|Columns, Faith, Making a Difference, Uganda, Values|Comments Off on It’s not what you fear, but what you do that counts

Dumb mistakes drive new lessons home

It was a dumb mistake, followed by several more – none of which should have happened, and all of which were my own fault. By the time all was said and done, I was frustrated, embarrassed, angry (at myself), swearing (at myself), crying, and driving home in defeat after more than an hour on the road. And it wasn’t even 7:30 in the morning. I had been on my way to a once-a-month meeting that starts at 6:30 a.m. I left my house early because [...]

By |July 20th, 2012|Columns|Comments Off on Dumb mistakes drive new lessons home

A loving man, a successful life

I always enjoy getting feedback about my column, especially when people mention something helpful they learned while reading it, or a powerful memory it brought out in them. Occasionally, the feedback I receive actually moves me to tears. That happened this week, when I read an email from a friend that I haven’t seen in a long time. What she said was so eloquently expressed that I emailed her back to ask if I could include it here pretty much word-for-word. She graciously agreed. She [...]

By |July 13th, 2012|Columns, Family|Comments Off on A loving man, a successful life

Success at last!

In my last two columns, I wrote about failure. So it’s probably time I talk about success instead. That is, after all, the ultimate goal. But the word “success” can be misinterpreted and misunderstood every bit as much as the word “failure.” I think the biggest reason is that many people think of money as the main – and sometimes the only – measure of success.  Another is that people also equate success with happiness.  Neither of these is really true. If they were, then [...]

By |July 6th, 2012|Coaching, Columns|Comments Off on Success at last!

More failures generate bigger success

“If you set out to fail, and you succeed, which have you done?” I first read – and chuckled at – that question long ago when I saw it on one of those lists that get circulated by email on a regular basis. I thought about it again after writing last week’s column about failure being a prerequisite of success. After all, few – if any – ventures or adventures succeed on the first try, and sometimes we need a reminder that we shouldn’t get [...]

By |June 29th, 2012|Buried Treasure, Coaching, Columns, Success|Comments Off on More failures generate bigger success

Failure isn’t an option, it’s a requirement

“If you haven’t failed, you’re doing something wrong.” I decided a few weeks ago that that would make a great slogan to put on a t-shirt.  Or a coffee mug.  Or a poster that should be hanging on the wall of everyone who dreams of great achievements or significant accomplishments in any area of their lives. Below that main slogan, two more lines could be added. “Give yourself permission to dream.” And “Give yourself permission to fail.” Other than political parties and issues, I know [...]

By |June 22nd, 2012|Coaching, Columns|2 Comments