
A new candidate has a new agenda

During a visit with our daughter eight years ago, conversation turned to the coming election, and inspired a tongue-in-cheek column in which I appointed members of my family—myself included—to different government positions. Some of what I said is as relevant today as it was then, so I’m printing it again. I hope you enjoy it. The Department of Nice. That’s the federal agency I’m going to be in charge of after my daughter is elected president. My husband and I spent last weekend in Florida, [...]

By |September 8th, 2024|Columns, Family, Gifts and Talents, Making a Difference, Values|0 Comments

Learning Today from the Leaders of Tomorrow

I recently went back to school again, and I was amazed at all I learned. Especially since I was there for barely an hour. The Georgia Writers Museum offers a number of educational programs, one of which is a Junior Board consisting of students in a Leadership class at the county high school. When the teacher of the class was recently named Teacher of the Month, and one of the students in her Leadership class—and on our Junior Board—was named Student of the Month, it [...]

By |April 20th, 2024|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Making a Difference, Values|Comments Off on Learning Today from the Leaders of Tomorrow

Be Nice!

A number of years ago—eight, to be exact—we were visiting our daughter and got into a discussion about the upcoming election. I told my daughter that she would make a good president, and suggested jokingly that she consider running. Then, just for fun, I went on to name different departments, agencies, or cabinet positions that members of our family would be suited for. I came up with one for my husband, our kids, and a few other family members—everyone but myself. That’s when I decided [...]

By |March 11th, 2024|Accountability, Columns, Family, Making a Difference, Respect, Values|Comments Off on Be Nice!

Above and Below, Then and Now

Monday, January 28, 1986. Although it was more than 37 years ago, I remember the day clearly. We were still living in the Chicago area then, and I was five months into my new career as a stay-at-home mom. It was the day after our beloved Chicago Bears won the Super Bowl, and I was still in a festive mood, with the television tuned to all the celebrations going on in Chicago. It was an historic day for another reason, too, although not the way [...]

By |June 26th, 2023|Columns, Making a Difference, Travel|Comments Off on Above and Below, Then and Now

If you see something…

“If you see something, say something.” That slogan has existed since 2001, and came about in response to the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Its original purpose was to remind people – at airports especially, but other places as well – to speak up and alert authorities if they see anything suspicious, such as an abandoned bag or suitcase that could contain a bomb. Over the years, the phrase has been used in other contexts as well – suspicious activity [...]

By |October 31st, 2022|Accountability, Columns, Making a Difference, Quotes and Sayings|Comments Off on If you see something…

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

“Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” It’s a wonderful thought, isn’t it? It’s also the name of an organization I learned about recently. I was working a volunteer shift at a Non-Profit Expo sponsored by the Eatonton-Putnam Chamber of Commerce. I was there with Georgia Writers Museum, one of about a dozen charities and non-profits at the Expo. In between the time we spent talking with visitors at our own tables, we had time to visit each other’s. I enjoyed meeting new people, as well as chatting with [...]

By |September 26th, 2022|Columns, Making a Difference, Values|Comments Off on A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

What this angry world needs

“What this angry world needs is a lot more hope.” That was the headline for an opinion column in our local newspaper last week. And it got me thinking. While I don’t argue with the value and importance of hope in our lives, I think there’s something else this angry world needs even more: respect. Treating others with respect is not necessarily the same as respecting them, although it would be nice to do both. But even if there are people who haven’t yet earned [...]

By |August 30th, 2022|Columns, Making a Difference, Quotes and Sayings, Respect, Values|Comments Off on What this angry world needs

A Big Little Hit

There was much in the news last week to spark outrage, no matter which side of the political divide you’re on. And, of course, that divide got deeper and wider as time went on. Which is all the more reason an unrelated incident in the news was so welcome and heartwarming. I’m referring to the Little League Regional Championship game in which a batter got knocked down by a wild pitch that hit him in the helmet. That, of course, wasn’t the heartwarming part. It [...]

By |August 15th, 2022|Columns, Making a Difference, Respect, Values|Comments Off on A Big Little Hit

Happy Mother’s Day!

Today, I want to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who is – or has been – important to a child… To the ones who gave birth to them and raised them – which is often, but not always, the same person. To the ones who nurtured, educated, and inspired them. To the ones who stepped in and took over when Mom needed a break, or had to go back to work. To the ones who never had kids of their own, but was [...]

By |May 8th, 2022|Columns, Family, Holidays, Making a Difference, Values|Comments Off on Happy Mother’s Day!

Together Again!

I spent the weekend in Duluth – Georgia, not Minnesota – attending a Toastmasters District Conference. It was our first live conference since Spring of 2019, and it felt wonderful to be there again, live and in person. Numerous safety measures were in place, including mask and social distancing rules and recommendations, and a requirement for proof of a negative COVID test taken 24 hours before the start of the Conference. A testing station was set up near the registration table at the hotel, for [...]

By |April 25th, 2022|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Making a Difference, Toastmasters, Values|Comments Off on Together Again!