
Fearless women share fearless wisdom

The column "Find Your Buried Treasure" appears weekly in the Chanhassen (MN) Villager. This column was published on July 22, 2010. If I had to choose the three words that best describe me, “fearless” would not be one of them. In fact, it probably wouldn’t be in the top ten, or even 25. So I find it both amusing and amazing that I ended up in a book entitled, Fearless Women, Fearless Wisdom. The book features the portraits, stories, and words of heartfelt and hard-learned wisdom from forty women entrepreneurs across the United States and in Canada. All of the women were photographed by Mary Ann Halpin, a Hollywood photographer who uses a magnificent silver sword in her photos to symbolize the power of the person holding it. There’s something almost magical about the sword, and about Mary Ann. She gets to know the people she photographs, and truly captures their essence. Even if they don’t yet know what it is...

By |July 23rd, 2010|Columns, Making a Difference, Values|2 Comments


Welcome to the launch of my new blog, “Find Your Buried Treasure.” Consider this a voyage and a treasure hunt we’re embarking on together. I’ve discovered that the more I help other people find their buried treasure, the more I find of my own. I hope that will be true for you as well. The buried treasure I’m talking about is made up of the gifts, talents, skills, and strengths we don’t even realize we have – because they come so naturally to us and feel so common and ordinary that we don’t even consider them special. We may neglect or ignore them, or simply be unaware of their worth and value. But there’s buried treasure in everyone, and I want to help you find it...

By |July 11th, 2010|Buried Treasure, Coaching, Columns, Values|4 Comments