Laughter, hope, and miracles launch a big dream
“It was a different kind of laughter,” my friend Tabitha said to me recently. “It was the laughter of hope.” She was telling me about a phone conversation she had with some of the girls who are going to be moving into the Miracle Village we are building in Uganda. During my first visit to Uganda, in October 2011, one of the things Tabitha and I did was visit a muddy slum, not far from Uganda’s capital city, where young [...]
How can you find your buried treasure? Be aware that it’s there!
It’s been more than three years now that I’ve been helping and encouraging people to find their buried treasure – the gifts, skills, talents and strengths they don’t even realize they have. One of the many things I’ve discovered in that time is that the more I notice the talents and strengths in other people, the more I find them in myself. Part of the reason, I'm sure, is simply a matter of awareness. Once something is on our radar, [...]
An old pick-up line leads to new revelations
“Where have you been all my life?” That question is probably on the Top Ten list of lousy pick-up lines, but it’s something I find myself asking – or at least thinking – whenever I come across something or someone that seems like the answer to a prayer. Or the solution to a problem or issue I’ve been working on or struggling with for a long time. Like getting organized. If you’re a regular reader of this column, you’re somewhat [...]
Forget about a balanced life. Harmony sounds much better.
Balance. It’s what many people today wish for, work toward, and try to achieve. Most of us would like to have more balance in our lives. But life is busier than ever, there are many demands on our time and energy, and we spend much of our time being pulled in many directions. Few of us ever seem to achieve the balance we’re looking for. Maybe we’re looking for the wrong thing. Say the word “balance,” and I picture an [...]
The perfect gift for a special friend
I’ve been going crazy trying to come up with an appropriate birthday gift for a friend of mine – especially since we’ve agreed not to buy each other gifts anymore. I’m not breaking our agreement by doing this, because we didn’t outlaw birthday gifts. Just buying them. She and I have been friends ever since we took a writing class together long ago. We stayed close even after my family moved – twice – to different and distant parts of [...]