

It’s a boy!

Our daughter-in-law gave birth on Friday night to their third child – and our third grandchild. We’re planning a trip to see them soon, and I’m hoping there won’t be any foul weather, new COVID variances or restrictions, or other issues that could get in the way of our plans. It wouldn’t be the first time. Their first child was born almost three years ago, in the middle of January. We gave them a bit of time to get settled [...]

By |November 8th, 2021|Columns, Family, Holidays, Travel|

Who would you be?

Our last Toastmasters meeting had a theme of “Trick-or-Treat.” As the Table Topics Master at the meeting, I decided to have a costume party as the focus of my questions. The purpose of Table Topics is to help people learn to think on their feet and organize their thoughts quickly. The Table Topics Master will ask an open-ended, no-right-or-wrong-answer type of question, and then call on a member to respond. They have to talk for one to two minutes, and [...]

By |November 1st, 2021|Columns, Holidays, Toastmasters, Values|

An Influential Event

“What world events have played defining roles in your life? What memories do you have of them? How have they influenced you?” These were among the discussion questions at my last Book Club meeting. The book we read was When We Left Cuba, an historical novel set in the early ’60s. Among the events in the novel were the Cuban Revolution, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the assassination of JFK – events that many members [...]

By |October 25th, 2021|Columns, Uncategorized|

Back to School

I don’t know if it has anything to do with the students I worked with and wrote about in my last blog, or the college students I – along with several other members of my Toastmasters club – recently helped prepare for a career-oriented Elevator Pitch competition. But I’m getting ready to go back to school – sort of. And I’m really excited about it. Also, just a little bit nervous. Like many people, I consider myself a lifelong learner, [...]

By |October 15th, 2021|Accountability, Columns, Values|

A Bright and Sunny Forecast

It was gloomy and rainy here for most of the past week – to the point where we had some lakes forming in the low spots in our yard, and the storm was regularly knocking out our satellite TV reception. When the sun came out briefly toward the end of the week, it looked so strange I almost called the authorities to report seeing a UFO. Gloomy weather usually doesn’t put me in a gloomy mood, but it was definitely [...]

A Peter Piper Predicament

I love to cook and bake. I don’t do nearly as much now that our kids are grown and gone, but I still enjoy trying new recipes. Although I don’t subscribe to any recipe-related websites, articles regularly show up in my inbox with titles such as “20 meals to make in 30 minutes or less,” or “Twelve things to make in a muffin tin besides muffins.” I usually skim through them, and often find a few that I want to [...]

By |October 4th, 2021|Columns, Quotes and Sayings|