An early-morning conversation brings the answer to a prayer

I arranged for my columns to get posted on my blog automatically while I was in Uganda, but this one somehow slipped off the schedule. It should have been posted on August 8. I hope you will still find it timely and relevant. I was sitting outside on the steps of our deck one morning last week, notebook and pen in hand. I was doing the morning ritual I refer to as my Prayer Exercise, which is a combination of praying, journaling, and asking God [...]

By |August 25th, 2014|Columns, Faith, Family, Writing|Comments Off on An early-morning conversation brings the answer to a prayer

A survivor’s story inspired us all

“Do you know Jackie Pflug?” my friend Dianne asked me recently. “Have you read her book?” The answer to both questions was “No,” although I recognized the title, Miles to Go Before I Sleep, as a line from my favorite Robert Frost poem. Once I learned the subtitle of the book, A Survivor’s Story of Life After a Terrorist Hijacking, and Dianne started telling me more about the book and the author, things began to click in my memory. The memory was rather fuzzy, however, [...]

By |June 20th, 2014|Buried Treasure, Columns, Gifts and Talents, Writing|Comments Off on A survivor’s story inspired us all

A new title brings a clearer vision

“The Title Whisperer.” That’s the name someone gave me at a recent meeting of our WOW group, after I came up with book titles for three of the members who were there. WOW stands for Women of Words, and it’s a monthly writers group I belong to. We don’t meet to get feedback on our writing, but to share publishing and marketing advice and resources, and to support and celebrate each other’s work. Many of the women in the group are already published authors and [...]

By |March 21st, 2014|Coaching, Columns, Writing|Comments Off on A new title brings a clearer vision

Making a long story short

“For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway, who was a master of the short story and of tight, spare writing, once made a bet that he could write an entire story in six words. With the above “ad,” he won the bet. This story – both the one by Hemingway and the one about him – has inspired a number of literary organizations and publications over the years to sponsor writing contests challenging participants to write stories consisting of a [...]

A doomsday dream brings reality to life

I had a really weird dream the other night. And the weirdest thing about it was seeing the ways in which my dream world overlapped with the real one. In the dream, I was talking with a friend about the devastating state of the world today. We were in a barren, outdoor setting – the kind you see in a post-apocalyptic or zombie movie. There was another catastrophic danger on the way, but I don’t remember now whether it was an asteroid hurtling toward earth, [...]

By |November 15th, 2013|Columns, Faith, Writing|Comments Off on A doomsday dream brings reality to life

Put Your “Brave Mask” On

It was early on a Saturday morning, and I was getting frustrated. I was working on the book I’m writing about my first trip to Uganda, and I was on the very last section of the book. I had planned to spend the whole morning writing, and I knew exactly what I wanted to say. But the words just weren’t coming together. This actually happens to me a lot when I’m writing, and I’ve learned through experience that the best way to handle it is [...]

By |October 11th, 2013|Columns, Toastmasters, Uganda, Writing|Comments Off on Put Your “Brave Mask” On


Note: While I'm in Uganda, the Chanhassen Villager is publishing excerpts from my upcoming book about my first trip to Uganda, in October, 2011. Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 8:10 a.m. I really am getting used to Uganda time. By that I don’t mean that my body has finally recovered from jet lag and gotten used to the 8-hour time difference – although it has. Instead I mean that my mind is getting used to the Ugandan way of life. None of our programs have been [...]

By |August 2nd, 2013|Columns, Faith, Travel, Uganda, Writing|Comments Off on UGANDA TIME

That’s Entertainment!

Note: While I am in Uganda, the Chanhassen Villager is publishing excerpts from my upcoming book about my first trip to Uganda, in October, 2011. Sunday, October 16, 2011 5:45 p.m. I wish I could capture the sound of the music and the feel of this moment. There’s a light, cool breeze. It’s early evening, and we’re in a lovely outdoor arena, seated at colorfully-covered tables nestled up into the hills like seats in a theatre. Which is exactly what this is. Tribal drums are [...]

By |July 28th, 2013|Columns, Music/Singing, Uganda, Uncategorized, Writing|Comments Off on That’s Entertainment!

The end of one chapter is the beginning of the next

Note: For ten weeks, I am using the Dream Coaching® program to work on my dream of finishing and publishing a book about my trip to Uganda, and I am reporting on my progress in my weekly column. As always, my column is posted on my blog every Friday. To read the series from the beginning, start with the introductory post, dated May 3, 2013. It’s hard for me to believe that it’s already Week 10 of the Dream Coaching program. Or that I’ve gotten [...]

By |July 12th, 2013|Accountability, Coaching, Columns, Uganda, Uncategorized, Writing|Comments Off on The end of one chapter is the beginning of the next

Build a Dream Team if you want to win

Note: For ten weeks, I am using the Dream Coaching® program to work on my dream of finishing and publishing a book about my trip to Uganda, and I am reporting on my progress in my weekly column. As always, my column is posted on my blog every Friday. To read the series from the beginning, start with the introductory post, dated May 3, 2013. I realize that my roots are showing as well as my age, but I have to admit that when I [...]

By |July 5th, 2013|Accountability, Coaching, Columns, Uganda, Writing|Comments Off on Build a Dream Team if you want to win