
Amazing Grace is alive and getting better

I got a phone call last week from my friend Tabitha, who’s still in Uganda. She had been in the hospital visiting Grace, who was having surgery the following day. Grace is the young mother I wrote about in my column two weeks ago. She’s from Gulu, in Northern Uganda, and I met her when I was there to speak with a group of women who have formed a farming co-op and are now rebuilding their lives after years spent living in refugee camps. Grace [...]

By |August 30th, 2013|Columns, Faith, Uganda, Values|2 Comments

A Lesson from Star Trek

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one.” Die-hard Star Trek fans will remember that line from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It’s what Spock tells Kirk after exposing himself to deadly radiation while repairing the damaged Starship Enterprise in order to save the ship and the rest of the crew. The flip side comes in the next Star Trek movie, when Kirk and crew violate orders so they can find and rescue Spock. When Spock asks [...]

By |August 16th, 2013|Columns, Faith, Travel, Uganda, Values|6 Comments

A sense of purpose will launch your dreams

Note: For ten weeks, I am using the Dream Coaching® program to work on my dream of finishing and publishing a book about my trip to Uganda, and I am reporting on my progress in my weekly column. As always, my column is posted on my blog every Friday. To read the series from the beginning, start with the introductory post, dated May 3, 2013. The third session of the Dream Coaching program is the one in which people’s hidden traits and talents really start [...]

By |May 24th, 2013|Accountability, Coaching, Columns, Respect, Uganda, Values, Writing|Comments Off on A sense of purpose will launch your dreams

Integrity honors your values, your word, and your dreams

Note: For ten weeks, I am using the Dream Coaching® program to work on my dream of finishing and publishing a book about my trip to Uganda, and I am reporting on my progress in my weekly column. As always, my column is posted on my blog every Friday. To read the series from the beginning, start with the introductory post, dated May 3, 2013. “Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.” I don’t know the source of that quote, but [...]

By |May 17th, 2013|Accountability, Coaching, Columns, Quotes and Sayings, Uganda, Values, Writing|Comments Off on Integrity honors your values, your word, and your dreams

Inspiration, innovation, and hope for the world

There are some days – as I’m reading about the latest scandal, shooting spree, or stalemate in Washington, for instance – when I wonder if and how we as a nation and a society are going to survive. On days like this, I truly worry about the fate of our country and the world. There are other days when I see such exciting signs of promise and potential that it’s all I can do not to jump up and cheer out loud. Last Friday was [...]

By |March 15th, 2013|Accountability, Columns, Values|Comments Off on Inspiration, innovation, and hope for the world

A foggy morning clears the air

It was extremely and unseasonably foggy last Sunday morning – the kind of fog that feels surreal if you’re out driving in it because at times it is so thick that you can’t see anything around you. Even the deacon who delivered the sermon at Mass commented on it, noting that he had to be extra careful while driving to church from his home that morning. “What it really did,” he said, “was make me slow down.” He went on to talk about what a [...]

By |December 7th, 2012|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|3 Comments

Passion and compassion lead to a cycle of success

“You’re passionate about what you’re doing, and you really care about the people you’re working with.” I’d love to tell you this was something that was said about me, but it wasn’t. It was said to my friend Ruth, and it’s something she shared with me when we got together recently to catch up on what’s been going on in our lives. Ruth is an indoor cycle instructor. She leads classes at the fitness centers where she works, and she is so good at what [...]

By |November 2nd, 2012|Columns, Health and Well-being, Values|Comments Off on Passion and compassion lead to a cycle of success

Keep on singing to brighten everyone’s day

“The sun’ll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun…” I smiled as I listened to a powerhouse voice belting out the popular song from the musical, “Annie.” But I wasn’t at the theatre experiencing it live, or listening to a CD of the soundtrack in my car or home. I was in the checkout line at the grocery story. The singer – whom I couldn’t even see at first because she was so tiny and was on the other side [...]

By |August 3rd, 2012|Columns, Family, Music/Singing, Values|Comments Off on Keep on singing to brighten everyone’s day

It’s not what you fear, but what you do that counts

What would you do if you were fearless? That question came up during a meeting I attended last Thursday. It was a planning session for a “Fearless Women” event that’s going to take place later this year, and as we discussed the event and the question, I had no idea how – or how often – the issues of fear and fearlessness would come up in the next 30 hours. The first instance, shocking and frightening, was when I woke up the next morning to [...]

By |July 27th, 2012|Columns, Faith, Making a Difference, Uganda, Values|Comments Off on It’s not what you fear, but what you do that counts

A heavenly conversation comes down to earth

“I love you from here to heaven!” That’s what my friend Lucy always tells her twin grandsons. In a way, she’s doing the same thing many of us did when our children or grandchildren were small – spreading our arms out as far as we could while answering our own question of “Do you know how much I love you?” with a stretched-out “Soooooo much.” Or reaching up to the sky, proclaiming “Soooooo big,” as we let our toddlers know how grown-up they were becoming. [...]

By |June 1st, 2012|Columns, Family, Values|Comments Off on A heavenly conversation comes down to earth