
More Alice Walker

A week after the all-day event celebrating her 75th birthday, I still have Alice Walker Fever. I’m sure one of the reasons is that our local newspaper this week was filled with stories and photos from the day, giving me a chance to relive it and to read about some of the activities I missed. Also, after writing about Alice and the celebration in my last blog post, a number of people have been emailing me to say they were at the event and that [...]

By |July 20th, 2019|Columns, Gifts and Talents, Values, Writing|Comments Off on More Alice Walker

A Tribute to a True Legend

Warm. Gracious. Humble. These are the first words I thought of to describe Alice Walker when I met her on Friday. We were at the Georgia Writers Museum, where several events would be taking place on Saturday as part of an all-day celebration in honor of her 75th birthday. As she walked in, she smiled, extended her hand, and said, “Hi. I’m Alice.” I was able to restrain myself to keep from blurting out, “Yes! Yes you are!” Instead I simply smiled back, shook her [...]

The best kind of day

It was a long day, but a wonderful day. I spent most of the morning, afternoon, and evening at the Georgia Writers Museum on Thursday. Over the course of the day, I spent time reading, reflecting, and studying. I also spent some time cleaning, organizing, and setting out refreshments. I took part in a ribbon-cutting ceremony, met some new people, and got to know others a little better. I was both exhausted and energized by the end of the day. Volunteer activities always make me [...]

By |June 30th, 2019|Columns, Values, Writing|Comments Off on The best kind of day

Bad news, good people

It was my husband’s turn to host a group of guys from our neighborhood who meet for coffee once a week. When the gathering is at our house, I help get things set up in the morning, then head out for a few hours to myself away from home. Sometimes I go to the health club. Other times I run a few errands or do a little shopping. But this week I decided to go somewhere where I could just grab a cup of coffee [...]

By |June 21st, 2019|Columns, Values|Comments Off on Bad news, good people

Back at Home

I’m back. And I appreciate the thoughts, prayers, and support from those who read my blog and knew nothing except that I was going out of town unexpectedly, and would not be posting any blogs for a few weeks. The suddenness of our leaving town was due to a medical emergency with my mother-in-law, who was in and out of the hospital – and back in again – in the time we were there with her. That trip led directly into another one that we [...]

By |June 9th, 2019|Columns, Family, Travel, Values|Comments Off on Back at Home

What if…?

“The God of Chaos.” It sounds like the title of a video game, or a villain in the latest superhero movie. But it’s the name given to a huge asteroid that was in the news recently, one that’s supposed to pass closely enough to earth to be visible to the naked eye. But not for another ten years. We were talking about this not long ago while visiting our daughter. It started with a conversation about what’s going on in the world today, and evolved [...]

By |May 18th, 2019|Accountability, Columns, Values|Comments Off on What if…?

The Power of the Pod

I was surprised – honored, but surprised – when a friend and former coaching client contacted me recently and asked if she could interview me for her podcast. I felt honored, because my friend is amazingly accomplished. She has a PhD and is an ordained minister. She is certified in several areas of healing arts, and has a thriving business helping and teaching others to live an authentic, happy, purposeful life. She has published a book, developed a spiritual growth app, and produced dozens of [...]

By |April 6th, 2019|Buried Treasure, Coaching, Columns, Gifts and Talents, Health and Well-being, Making a Difference, Values, Writing|Comments Off on The Power of the Pod

A Quiet Goodbye

A friend of mine told me a story the other day that she warned me was going to be sad, but uplifting at the same time. She had been working on a craft project, and had that on her mind as she was going up and down the stairs retrieving supplies from different areas of the house. Because she was concentrating on that, she almost didn’t hear the quiet voice that whispered something inside her head. It was her mother’s voice – her mother who [...]

By |March 22nd, 2019|Columns, Faith, Family, Health and Well-being, Values|Comments Off on A Quiet Goodbye

Coming home

Note from Betty: Sometimes, as I'm writing my blog, I know what I want to say but the words just won't cooperate. That's what happened last week, and by the time I got the words right it was almost time for this week's blog, so I just waited till today to post it. My apologies to those who were wondering why there was no blog post last week! “Gee, but it’s great to be back home.” That’s the opening line of a Simon and Garfunkel song [...]

By |March 15th, 2019|Columns, Making a Difference, Travel, Uganda, Values|Comments Off on Coming home

Warm Hearts Melt Winter’s Chill

When my husband retired and we moved to Georgia – after 40 years in the Chicago area and 18 years in Minnesota, with a few other locations in between – we often said that we’d go back to visit family and friends up north, but never in the winter. That was before our son and daughter-in-law had a baby – our first grandchild – in the middle of January, in Minnesota. We were only joking, of course – well, half-joking – when we talked about [...]

By |February 22nd, 2019|Columns, Family, Travel, Values|Comments Off on Warm Hearts Melt Winter’s Chill