
A new candidate has a new agenda

The Department of Nice. That’s the federal agency I’m going to be in charge of after my daughter is elected president. My husband and I spent last weekend in Florida, visiting our daughter and son-in-law. On our first morning there, we spent the earliest part of the day just talking and sharing thoughts on whatever subjects came up. Our conversation eventually turned to the presidential election, and to news and views of the candidates. At one point, I turned to my daughter and said, “You’d [...]

By |March 18th, 2016|Columns, Family, Gifts and Talents, Travel, Values|Comments Off on A new candidate has a new agenda

Sorting photos relives the journey

I’m still sorting and organizing pictures from my recent pilgrimage. Since we visited a number of churches, chapels, cathedrals and basilicas, many of my photos are of the beautiful artwork and architecture in each of them. Other photos are from different cultural and historical sites and activities – the Palace of Fine Arts, where we saw the stunning Folkloric Ballet of Mexico; the Museum of Anthropology; the site of what is believed to be the largest pyramid in the world, where we said prayers of [...]

By |March 11th, 2016|Columns, Faith, Organizing, Travel|Comments Off on Sorting photos relives the journey

Pilgrims, prayers, and pyramids lead to a new adventure

“Remember,” the Tour Director told us, “this is not a vacation. And it is not a tour. It’s a pilgrimage.” Say the word, “pilgrimage,” and I immediately think of a procession of people walking toward Mecca. Or caravans of people in Biblical times, on camels and donkeys, in wagons or on foot, crossing the desert to get to Jerusalem. And if you say, “pilgrims,” I automatically envision early American settlers – women in long, heavy dresses, with white aprons and bonnets, and men in black [...]

By |February 26th, 2016|Columns, Faith, Travel|Comments Off on Pilgrims, prayers, and pyramids lead to a new adventure

Signs of a miracle are everywhere

I don’t know how anyone can look at a newborn baby and not believe in miracles. I remember that being one of my first thoughts as I was holding my son shortly after he was born. This was more than thirty years ago, but I can still recall the sense of awe and reverence I felt as I gazed at the gentle rhythm of his breathing, at his tiny, fragile fingers, and at  his small but perfectly-formed features. How could all of this not be [...]

By |January 29th, 2016|Coaching, Columns, Faith, Family, Quotes and Sayings, Travel|Comments Off on Signs of a miracle are everywhere

Casual comments can uncover strong connections

I was at an event last week that included an educational seminar and a two-hour riverboat cruise. (Yes, references were made to Gilligan’s Island.) There was only one person at the event whom I knew ahead of time, so virtually everyone I talked to was someone I was meeting for the first time – starting with the person I met in the parking lot who arrived at the same time I did. As we walked toward the dock, we chatted about the weather, the road [...]

By |June 5th, 2015|Columns, Travel|Comments Off on Casual comments can uncover strong connections

Florida philosophy is cause for celebration

I didn’t even need to put my shoes back on. I opened the sliding glass door and walked out, barefoot, to the backyard. I went over to the orange tree and picked a bowlful of oranges, then went back inside. Soon I was tasting what was literally the freshest orange juice I have ever had in my life. Then we opened a chilled bottle of champagne, and before long we were sipping on equally-fresh mimosas. As you probably guessed, we weren’t in Minnesota anymore. My [...]

By |December 19th, 2014|Columns, Family, Travel|Comments Off on Florida philosophy is cause for celebration

Learning and enjoying the language of dance

Her name is Deb Lysholm, and dance has always been an important part of her life. She learned – and loved – to tap dance as a child. Later, teaching dance classes brought her joy as well as income. Dance became her refuge and her escape during 23 years in a violently abusive marriage. And when she was working to rebuild her shattered life, she started to dream of building and running her own dance studio. Virtually everyone told her she was crazy, and that [...]

By |October 31st, 2014|Columns, Travel|Comments Off on Learning and enjoying the language of dance

Cameras and courtesy provide common language

“Un…deux…trois.” English translation: “Say cheese.” That was the context, anyway, one afternoon last week as I stood near the waterfront, smiling and waiting for the woman with the camera to snap the shutter. I was in Barcelona, Spain, at the Mediterranean port where Christopher Columbus launched his journey to the new world. The location was both scenic and historic, and many of the people in the area were tourists taking pictures. I saw a young couple who were taking turns taking photos of each other, [...]

By |October 24th, 2014|Columns, Respect, Travel|Comments Off on Cameras and courtesy provide common language

A difficult question, a simple answer

I still have difficulty answering a question that many people have asked me about my trip to Uganda last month: What did I do while I was there? I can list many of my actions and activities. Spending time with the young women in Ki-Mombasa that we are helping to break free from a life of poverty and prostitution. Distributing books, handmade dresses and teddy bears to the children. Speaking to several classes at a Catholic Girls School about discovering and developing their gifts from [...]

By |September 19th, 2014|Columns, Making a Difference, Travel, Uganda|10 Comments

Bedtime routine is different in Uganda

My bedtime routine during this trip to Uganda: 1. Plug my converter into the outlet and charge my camera battery to be ready for the next day’s photos. 2. Turn on the water heater in my bathroom so there’d be enough hot water for washing up in the morning. 3. Brush my teeth, using bottled water for rinsing my mouth and toothbrush. 4. Pull the mosquito netting down and tuck it in around my bed, leaving an opening big enough for me to crawl through. [...]

By |September 5th, 2014|Columns, Travel, Uganda|Comments Off on Bedtime routine is different in Uganda