
An old holiday tradition gets a new, sweet twist

Baking Christmas cookies is one of my favorite holiday traditions. It takes me back to when I was small, baking Christmas cookies with my mom and my sisters, and it brings warm memories of the many Christmases since then in which I’ve continued the tradition. I usually spread my baking out over several days, but this year my sister and I decided to make cookies together, so we spent a full day in her kitchen last weekend, sifting, sorting, measuring, and mixing. By the end [...]

By |December 16th, 2016|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on An old holiday tradition gets a new, sweet twist

Make your plans, and celebrate your life

In addition to all the holiday plans and preparations everyone is busy with at this time of year, many people take some time to look back at what they’ve accomplished and experienced in the past year, and to look forward as they plan for the future and all that they’d like to accomplish and experience in the coming year. I’ve never been able to sit down and plan out my short-term and long-term goals in terms of six-month, one-year, and five-year projections.  Whenever I’m asked [...]

By |December 9th, 2016|Accountability, Achieving Dreams and Goals, Buried Treasure, Coaching, Columns, Gifts and Talents, Holidays, Quotes and Sayings, Success|Comments Off on Make your plans, and celebrate your life

Enjoying a new “Independence Day”

I still remember when the first Independence Day movie came out 20 years ago. We were living in Virginia at the time, and one of the things I remember most – even before seeing the movie – was reading a commentary someone had written about it in a small, local publication. She insisted we should see the movie as a wake-up call, and should be taking steps to prepare ourselves in case of an alien attack, because it was absolutely realistic and possible that we [...]

By |July 1st, 2016|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on Enjoying a new “Independence Day”

Watch out for April snow and April fools

“Guess what? It’s snowing outside!” When I was young, that’s the greeting my sisters and I woke up to every year on April 1st. Mom would come into our bedrooms with the exciting news, but before we could jump out of bed and race to the window to see for ourselves, she’d add, “April Fool!” By then we were awake enough to realize for ourselves that we were now in the month of April. And it never snowed in April. April 1st came and went [...]

By |April 8th, 2016|Columns, Faith, Family, Holidays|Comments Off on Watch out for April snow and April fools

A Plan for Success Comes from New Year’s Revelation

As always, I spent some time thinking about what my New Year’s Resolution/s would be this year. Part of this process was reviewing my resolutions from the last few years – which is easy for me to do since I devote a column every year to the subject. It’s become a stroll down Memory Lane for me, as well as a good analytical tool. I can see which resolutions became habits and routines that I still follow today, as well as ones that I’m still [...]

By |December 31st, 2015|Accountability, Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Faith, Health and Well-being, Holidays, Organizing, Success, Values|Comments Off on A Plan for Success Comes from New Year’s Revelation

“Home for the holidays” can be anywhere in the world

I was at a holiday outing last week with a number of people I usually see just once or twice a year, and some that I was just meeting for the first time. So some of the conversations were the getting-acquainted kind, while others were more of the catching-up variety. Yet almost all of them included some discussion of holiday plans. Since few of the people at the event have lived here in Minnesota their entire lives – which is pretty much the norm in [...]

By |December 24th, 2015|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on “Home for the holidays” can be anywhere in the world

The answer to a prayer makes a perfect holiday story

A friend of mine posted the details of a recent experience she had, and the story was so heartwarming and uplifting – not to mention perfect during the holiday season – I knew I had to share it with others. I told her I wanted to write about it, and she graciously gave me her permission. The story ended with someone’s prayer being answered. And it started a few miles away from a home improvement store. That’s where my friend first drove past an elderly, [...]

By |December 18th, 2015|Columns, Faith, Holidays, Making a Difference, Values, Writing|Comments Off on The answer to a prayer makes a perfect holiday story

The choice is yours – this winter and always

“Choose. It’s all up to you, so choose.” That was the bottom line to a conversation I had with a friend recently. The conversation was a seasonal one, and a typical one. It had to do with the coming of winter – the snow, the cold, the wind, and the darkness that comes earlier and earlier every day. Plus the crowded stores, the rush and crush of the holiday season, and the endless messages, everywhere you turn, to buy, buy, buy. I reminded my friend [...]

By |December 4th, 2015|Accountability, Columns, Holidays|Comments Off on The choice is yours – this winter and always

Celebrate the New Year – in July

Happy New Year! No, I haven’t gotten my national holidays confused. And yes, I realize we just finished celebrating the 4th of July. But in some ways, July always feels to me like the start of a new year. It probably has something to do with two “perpetual calendars” I use every day. One is a flip calendar that includes “A Year of Daily Wisdom.” I keep it on an end table in our family room, and enjoy reading each day’s words of wisdom when [...]

By |July 10th, 2015|Columns, Holidays|2 Comments

Try sleeping through your New Year’s Resolution

It’s New Year’s Resolution time, and I’ve been thinking about what change or improvement in myself I most want to make this year. It’s a tough choice, as I’ve got a lot of material to work with. Should I focus on getting rid of the extra pounds that I invariably add on over the holidays? Or tackle unfinished projects from the recent – or ancient – past? I could work at developing a good habit in some area of my life, or getting rid of [...]

By |January 2nd, 2015|Accountability, Columns, Health and Well-being, Holidays|Comments Off on Try sleeping through your New Year’s Resolution