
New Traditions

A tradition is, by definition, something that is repeated year after year. Even so, traditions change over time. Kids grow up and go off on their own, families that used to live within a few miles of each other are now spread out across the country, and lifestyles of days gone by simply don’t fit our way of life anymore. Easter, like Christmas, has both sacred and secular traditions, and I now find myself thinking about all the Easter traditions I have taken part in [...]

By |April 10th, 2020|Columns, Faith, Family, Health and Well-being, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on New Traditions

The right decision

A comic strip on the bulletin board of a health club I used to belong to featured an overweight man in his underwear sitting on the examining table in a doctor’s office. The doctor, standing next to him and staring at the clipboard he was holding, said, “Which works better for your schedule – exercising for one hour a day or being dead for twenty-four?” I was reminded of that the other day while watching a television interview with a man who was recovering from [...]

Baby Blues at the Gym

When I get on the treadmill at the health club, I don’t pay much attention to the people around me, other than to nod in greeting if they happen to glance over as I’m getting on or off. So I didn’t notice anything unusual about the young woman on the machine next to mine until someone else walked by and started talking to her, congratulating her on her new baby and saying how great it was that she brought him to the club with her. [...]

By |March 1st, 2020|Columns, Family, Health and Well-being|Comments Off on Baby Blues at the Gym

An old song and a new concern

“Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe, and to love you.” That’s a line from an old song by the Hollies, recorded back in the ’70s. I can’t remember the last time I heard the song on the radio, but that line popped into my head recently. And though it comes from the chorus of a love song, I started thinking about it in relation to something that is not nearly as romantic and that has been on the radio a lot [...]

By |February 23rd, 2020|Columns, Family, Health and Well-being|Comments Off on An old song and a new concern

A Prodigal Lesson

I always enjoy being shown a whole new way of looking at something that’s old, familiar, and ingrained. That happened to me recently with the story of the Prodigal Son. I’m sure most of you are familiar with the Biblical parable about a wealthy man whose younger son asked for his share of his father’s estate, then left town and squandered it all. When he returned home, humble and ashamed, his father welcomed him back with open arms and a big celebration – which didn’t [...]

By |February 16th, 2020|Columns, Faith, Family, Quotes and Sayings, Values|Comments Off on A Prodigal Lesson

The Best Gifts Ever

We’re back now from our Christmas travels, and enjoying the glow and the memory of several gifts we received that were better than anything we could have imagined. The best gift was that for the first time in many years we were able to spend the Christmas holiday with both of our kids at the same time. This has been pretty much impossible ever since they grew up and started jobs, lives, and families of their own, and even more so since one of them [...]

By |December 30th, 2019|Columns, Family, Holidays, Quotes and Sayings, Values|Comments Off on The Best Gifts Ever

Enjoy the Weekend

I’ve never been one to go out on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving that’s the unofficial start to the Christmas shopping season. Besides, Black Friday has gotten kind of gray and fuzzy over the years, with “Early Bird Black Friday Sales” starting sooner and sooner.  It wouldn’t surprise me if, before too long, we’ll be seeing Black Friday sales advertised during the Labor Day weekend. Still, Black Friday remains enormously popular, and I know a number of people who make shopping on this day [...]

By |November 29th, 2019|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on Enjoy the Weekend

Thanks for the Memories

Yesterday was my dad’s birthday. He would have been 92 years old. Today is my grandfather’s birthday. I remember him well, but not the day he died or how old he would have been today. And next Thursday, of course, is Thanksgiving, the day we dedicate to giving thanks for our blessings. The day that reminds us to make a conscious effort to be grateful for everything we have in our lives. I’d like to suggest that we also take time to appreciate everything we [...]

By |November 22nd, 2019|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on Thanks for the Memories

Poultry Power

When I say the word “chicken,” what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Maybe you envision an actual rooster or hen. Or perhaps it’s a plate of chicken nuggets or Kentucky Fried. You might think of a childhood bully’s taunt, daring you to try something stupid or dangerous, and then calling you a chicken when you don’t oblige. Right now, the word “chicken” takes me back to Uganda, where I spent two weeks recently, visiting commercial and family poultry farms, a hatchery, a [...]

By |November 10th, 2019|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Family, Health and Well-being, Making a Difference, Respect, Uganda, Values|Comments Off on Poultry Power

A New Perspective

Due to a minor plumbing problem, we were without water in our house for two days last week. It was inconvenient and uncomfortable, especially since we didn’t foresee the need to fill containers or our sink with water ahead of time for drinking or washing. Still, it was indeed a minor issue, and the timing of it kept things very much in perspective. By “timing,” of course, I’m talking about this happening the same week as the catastrophic hurricane that decimated the Bahamas before turning [...]

By |September 8th, 2019|Columns, Family, Health and Well-being, Values|Comments Off on A New Perspective