
Watch out for April snow and April fools

“Guess what? It’s snowing outside!” When I was young, that’s the greeting my sisters and I woke up to every year on April 1st. Mom would come into our bedrooms with the exciting news, but before we could jump out of bed and race to the window to see for ourselves, she’d add, “April Fool!” By then we were awake enough to realize for ourselves that we were now in the month of April. And it never snowed in April. April 1st came and went [...]

By |April 8th, 2016|Columns, Faith, Family, Holidays|Comments Off on Watch out for April snow and April fools

A stormy anniversary brings a timely reminder

“Do you know what today is?” my sister asked when she called me Sunday evening. “Besides Easter, I mean.” Did I forget someone’s birthday, or another special occasion? I immediately ran through my mental list. March 27. Nothing rang a bell. “The tornado,” she said. “Today is the 25th anniversary of the tornado.” She didn’t need to say any more than that. I immediately recalled the day, 25 years ago, when the town we lived in was devastated by a tornado that ripped through the [...]

By |April 1st, 2016|Columns, Family|Comments Off on A stormy anniversary brings a timely reminder

We can’t go back, so let’s go forward

“I want to go back in time and do this over.” That was my response recently when careless inattention caused me to miss one of the most important events of my life. Fortunately, I woke up from the dream I was having, and realized I hadn’t actually missed anything at all. The event was my son’s upcoming wedding. In my dream, it was the day of the wedding and my daughters – I had two in my dream – were out swimming in a neighborhood [...]

By |March 25th, 2016|Columns, Family|Comments Off on We can’t go back, so let’s go forward

A new candidate has a new agenda

The Department of Nice. That’s the federal agency I’m going to be in charge of after my daughter is elected president. My husband and I spent last weekend in Florida, visiting our daughter and son-in-law. On our first morning there, we spent the earliest part of the day just talking and sharing thoughts on whatever subjects came up. Our conversation eventually turned to the presidential election, and to news and views of the candidates. At one point, I turned to my daughter and said, “You’d [...]

By |March 18th, 2016|Columns, Family, Gifts and Talents, Travel, Values|Comments Off on A new candidate has a new agenda

A day well-spent has a powerful impact

The conference officially started at 9:30, but the doors opened at 8:30 for coffee, networking, and shopping – not necessarily in that order. I decided to get there right at 8:30 in order to beat the crowd, but apparently “the crowd” had the same idea. There were over a thousand women at the conference, and it seemed as though most of them were already there when I arrived. The conference I was attending was the second annual WINE Conference, but it had nothing to do [...]

By |February 19th, 2016|Columns, Faith, Family, Health and Well-being, Music/Singing, Values|Comments Off on A day well-spent has a powerful impact

Signs of a miracle are everywhere

I don’t know how anyone can look at a newborn baby and not believe in miracles. I remember that being one of my first thoughts as I was holding my son shortly after he was born. This was more than thirty years ago, but I can still recall the sense of awe and reverence I felt as I gazed at the gentle rhythm of his breathing, at his tiny, fragile fingers, and at  his small but perfectly-formed features. How could all of this not be [...]

By |January 29th, 2016|Coaching, Columns, Faith, Family, Quotes and Sayings, Travel|Comments Off on Signs of a miracle are everywhere

“Home for the holidays” can be anywhere in the world

I was at a holiday outing last week with a number of people I usually see just once or twice a year, and some that I was just meeting for the first time. So some of the conversations were the getting-acquainted kind, while others were more of the catching-up variety. Yet almost all of them included some discussion of holiday plans. Since few of the people at the event have lived here in Minnesota their entire lives – which is pretty much the norm in [...]

By |December 24th, 2015|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on “Home for the holidays” can be anywhere in the world

Seeing your life in categories can make you more grateful

If you were asked to list some of the different areas of your life, what categories would you use to describe them? They could be as basic as “personal” and “professional.”  Or you might include family, friends, and faith. Leisure activities, hobbies, or travel. Or health and well-being – physically, financially, mentally, or spiritually. There’s really no end to the number or names of categories you can choose to catalog the events and activities of your life. This exercise is something I often do with [...]

By |November 26th, 2015|Coaching, Columns, Family, Organizing, Values|Comments Off on Seeing your life in categories can make you more grateful

Ordinary days can turn into special occasions

I did something recently that I don’t think I’ve ever done before. For dinner one day last week, I fixed a meal that I usually prepare just two or three times a year, and only on a weekend when we’re celebrating a special occasion and have other family members or friends over. Except this time, I did it in the middle of the week, for no one but my husband and me, and for no particular reason – other than the fact that the pork [...]

By |October 2nd, 2015|Columns, Family|3 Comments

A day in the hospital brings comfort and connections

I spent the better part of a day at the hospital last week, and had several encounters that made me feel like I was playing one of those “six degrees of separation” games. They also made me realize how closely connected we all can be. The reason I was in the hospital was to be with a friend who was having day surgery. She asked if I could drop her off in the morning and pick her up after her surgery, but I decided not [...]

By |September 11th, 2015|Columns, Family|Comments Off on A day in the hospital brings comfort and connections