
Forever friends are always close by

“You’ll always be my friend… You know too much.” That was the saying embroidered on the quilt I gave to a close friend of mine for Christmas a number of years ago. This lighthearted sentiment is similar in tone to another phrase that’s often given as the definition of a friend, which is that a friend is someone who knows everything about you – and likes you anyway. Both these sayings came up as part of a talk I gave last week to a women’s [...]

By |January 27th, 2017|Buried Treasure, Columns, Faith, Professional Speaking, Values|Comments Off on Forever friends are always close by

The best gift ever

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.” “No, no, no,” I told him. “It’s a good cry. These are happy tears.” It was the morning of Christmas Eve, and my husband, nephew and I had just finished breakfast at the restaurant my dad used to go to every morning. He always sat with a group of friends he’s known forever, and whenever we were in town, we’d usually join them for breakfast. “We still miss your dad,” the owner of the [...]

By |January 6th, 2017|Columns, Faith, Family, Holidays|Comments Off on The best gift ever

Twenty minutes a day can make a big difference

I’m pouring my heart and soul into my New Year’s Resolutions this year. Actually, it’s the other way around, and I expect my resolutions to make a noticeable difference in my life – my heart, my soul, my attitude and my concentration. All in just 20 minutes a day. While trying to decide what my New Year’s Resolutions would be this year, I thought about all the advice I hear regularly about things we should do first thing in the morning. Exercising, for instance, to [...]

By |December 30th, 2016|Accountability, Columns, Faith, Health and Well-being, Holidays|Comments Off on Twenty minutes a day can make a big difference

Wrapping up a Biblical Resolution

I just completed one of my 2016 New Year’s Resolutions. It was one that I anticipated taking all year to finish, and I’m proud of myself for keeping at it. I’ve just read the Bible. The entire Bible, cover to cover. I figure that between the readings at Mass every week and various Bible studies I’ve done, not to mention learning Bible stories as I was growing up, I’ve probably read or heard every word of the Bible over time. But I decided at the [...]

By |December 23rd, 2016|Columns, Faith|Comments Off on Wrapping up a Biblical Resolution

A minor miracle has a major impact

I referred to it as “a minor miracle.” A friend of mine laughed, asking what I would consider to be a major miracle. “The parting of the Red Sea,” I told her. “The lame throwing down their crutches and walking. The blind suddenly being able to see.” She suggested that those might better be described as dramatic miracles, rather than major ones, and another friend then suggested that I call the one I was talking about a simple miracle, rather than a minor one. What [...]

By |December 2nd, 2016|Coaching, Columns, Faith, Health and Well-being, Values|Comments Off on A minor miracle has a major impact

What makes you happy?

“Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer, but wish we didn’t.” I don’t remember where I first read that quote, but it makes me smile whenever I think of it. I’m guessing it was meant as a light-hearted observation, but there’s probably more truth to it than we realize. What brought it to mind just recently is a book I am reading, entitled Resisting Happiness, by Matthew Kelly. Not that I consider myself unhappy, or that I believe I’m resisting [...]

By |October 14th, 2016|Accountability, Columns, Faith, Quotes and Sayings, Success|Comments Off on What makes you happy?

An unusual weekend was a weekend well-spent

I spent last weekend in Glenwood, MN, with a fascinating group of people: the Ugandan Ambassador to the United Nations, my Uganda-born friends Tabitha and Magala, local dignitaries and business leaders, and our security detail. I’ve never been part of any group or activity requiring a security detail, and I was a bit intimidated at first. But it quickly became both comforting and reassuring to know they were there as we went about our business. Not that there was anything dangerous or covert about that [...]

By |October 7th, 2016|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Faith, Making a Difference, Quotes and Sayings, Travel, Uganda, Values|Comments Off on An unusual weekend was a weekend well-spent

Pearls and close encounters can improve your life

In the coaching I do, I have my clients look for a “pearl of wisdom” in between each of our sessions. It can be a major “Aha!” moment that strikes with the force of a lightning bolt, or it can come as a gentle whisper bringing a quiet, yet profound, bit of knowledge or understanding. Either way, these “pearls” can fade away quickly if we don’t make a note of them. Or if we’re not paying attention and don’t even notice them in the first [...]

By |September 29th, 2016|Coaching, Columns, Faith|Comments Off on Pearls and close encounters can improve your life

A family follow-up warms the heart

I got an email a few days ago that had me walking on air. It was from the husband of the woman I wrote about last week. In case you missed that column, it was about a woman I saw in church the previous Sunday. She was at Mass with her four young sons, and I was impressed by them all – the boys, who were very well-dressed and well-behaved, and the mom, who was obviously a woman of strong family values, and who was [...]

By |September 23rd, 2016|Columns, Faith, Family, Values|Comments Off on A family follow-up warms the heart

A close-up view of a saintly woman

It was a few minutes before Mass was to start on Sunday morning. A woman and four young boys came in and sat in the pew in front of me. Two thoughts immediately struck me. The first was, “Wow. That woman must have her hands full!” The other was to note how well-dressed the boys were. They ranged in age from ten to two, which I know because I asked the mom after Mass. Each of the boys, including the youngest, was wearing a button-down, [...]

By |September 16th, 2016|Columns, Faith, Family, Values|Comments Off on A close-up view of a saintly woman