
A morning meeting generates dynamic dialogue

I’m generally not fond of meetings that start at 6:30 or 7:30 in the morning, but lately it seems I’ve been going to more and more of them. When my alarm goes off, I often ask myself, “Why am I doing this again?” But then I get there and remember, “Oh yes, this is why.” That was certainly my reaction one day last week when I attended a meeting whose purpose was to talk. Just – talk. Actually, there was a bit more of an [...]

By |March 16th, 2012|Columns|Comments Off on A morning meeting generates dynamic dialogue

Motivation and momentum from an unexpected source

Sometimes, things that we think are minor or relatively unimportant turn out not to be so minor after all. They end up taking on a life of their own. Their significance is more widespread than we realized at first, and the changes and results that come about because of them are more profound and impactful than we ever imagined they could be. It seems that that’s going to be the case with a new project I’ve just taken on, and it’s the one I wrote [...]

By |March 9th, 2012|Accountability, Columns|Comments Off on Motivation and momentum from an unexpected source

Loaded with email – and ready to change

A newspaper article I read last week talked about people using their email inboxes to stash hundreds – or even thousands – of emails in much the same way that people who are packrats stash their physical “stuff” into the attic or garage. A few days later, I received a newsletter – by email, of course – that had an article on the same subject. But this was more business-related, talking about how an inbox full of email dilutes our focus and concentration, and breeds [...]

By |March 2nd, 2012|Accountability, Columns|Comments Off on Loaded with email – and ready to change

Working and playing can lead to success

Not long ago, I had a day when it felt like I was playing all day instead of working. The morning started off with a breakfast meeting at a Rotary Club. On my way home from that, I dropped off an item I was donating for an educational foundation’s Silent Auction Fundraiser. Later, I had lunch with someone who’s a former coaching client and now a wonderful friend. By mid-afternoon, I felt as though I hadn’t really done any work or accomplished anything, and I [...]

By |February 24th, 2012|Coaching, Columns, Professional Speaking, Uganda|Comments Off on Working and playing can lead to success

Others are watching – and listening!

I got taken to task on Saturday – not once, but twice. Actually, that wording is a little too strong. What happened is that I was reminded – in a gentle and encouraging way – that I haven’t been living up to some of my responsibilities and expectations. I was at a Toastmasters Educational & Leadership Institute, which is held twice a year for the training of club officers, presentation of educational sessions, and announcements of the winners of various awards and contests. One of [...]

By |February 17th, 2012|Accountability, Columns, Toastmasters, Values|Comments Off on Others are watching – and listening!

Variety is the spice of life and weekend parties

I attended a Bridal Shower on Saturday, and a Super Bowl party on Sunday, so last weekend was especially social and enjoyable. The shower felt almost like a high school reunion. Well, more like a twist on a high school reunion. The bride-to-be is the daughter of a dear friend of mine, someone I met when my family first moved to Chanhassen almost thirteen years ago. We met through volunteer work at the middle school and the high school in which our kids were enrolled, [...]

By |February 10th, 2012|Columns, Family, Holidays|Comments Off on Variety is the spice of life and weekend parties

Betty’s Beliefs: A few more guidelines for life

I got an email from my sister-in-law after she read last week’s column about some of the sayings and quotes that I live by and repeat – often. She mentioned one that she’s heard many, many times in the thirty years we’ve known each other. And she added that she enjoyed the column, even without her favorite “Betty Belief.” She knows me very well, and the quote she mentioned was actually the next one on my “Top Five” list. Betty’s Belief #4: This too shall [...]

By |February 3rd, 2012|Coaching, Columns, Quotes and Sayings, Values|Comments Off on Betty’s Beliefs: A few more guidelines for life

Betty’s Beliefs: Sharing a few of her guidelines for life

“What have we learned from this?” My husband used to say that to our kids every so often as they were growing up. They hated hearing it at the time, but since then it’s become somewhat of a family joke. And it’s something we all still say to each other from time to time. It occurred to me recently that there are several other pearls of wisdom and advice that I treasure. I believe in them, I try to live by them, and I regularly [...]

By |January 27th, 2012|Columns, Family, Quotes and Sayings, Respect, Values|Comments Off on Betty’s Beliefs: Sharing a few of her guidelines for life

Laughter and lotus and friendly reminders

I need to lighten up. I realized this after talking with a friend of mine who was telling me about the yoga class she’s taking. At one point, she asked me if I’ve ever done yoga. “You should take a class,” she said. “I think you’d really enjoy it.” Actually, I have taken a yoga class. It was years ago, and I continued it until the day I got hit at a stoplight on my way to class. I don’t hold it against the yoga [...]

By |January 21st, 2012|Columns, Writing|Comments Off on Laughter and lotus and friendly reminders

A Blast from the Past: Life Lessons Come from Yoga Class

In the column that will be in the newspaper this week (and will be on my blog on Friday), I refer to a column I wrote more than ten years ago about a yoga class I was taking. The column originally appeared in the paper on August 9, 2001, and I'm publishing it here now in case you'd like to read the whole thing. In over ten years of writing my column in the Chanhassen Villager, this remains one of my favorites. Enjoy! For a long time now, I’ve been thinking about taking a yoga class—even after playing a trivia game in which yoga was the correct answer to the question, “In what type of exercise do you stand on your head?”

By |January 16th, 2012|Columns, Health and Well-being, Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Blast from the Past: Life Lessons Come from Yoga Class