
A fearless weekend generates new experiences

A few things I did last week that I have never done before in my life: I walked – and was photographed on – the red carpet at a Hollywood Gala; I attended a baby shower at the home of a Ugandan family living in California; I flew on an official “red eye,” leaving LAX after midnight and returning to Minneapolis just after 6 o’clock on Monday morning. Something I did last week that I have done before – and, in fact, have been doing [...]

A lifelong teacher learns something new

“Do nothing, and keep moving.” That may sound like confusing and contradictory advice. But it’s something a few friends and I came up with recently, and I think if we all heeded it, we’d be healthier, happier, and in better shape mentally and physically. As individuals and as a society. The discussion started because one of the members of our group is a high school teacher who is retiring at the end of this school year, and we were asking about her plans for the [...]

By |May 18th, 2012|Columns, Health and Well-being|Comments Off on A lifelong teacher learns something new

Is your gratitude showing?

“Count Your Blessings” was the theme of our Toastmasters meeting last week, and the person in charge of Table Topics decided to focus on gratitude. As she opened up that portion of the meeting, she told us that in preparation, she had Googled the word “gratitude.” What she said next caught me totally by surprise. “I’m not sure what made me think to do this,” she said, “but after I typed in ‘gratitude,’ I added the name, ‘Betty Liedtke.’ Do you know how many hits [...]

By |May 11th, 2012|Columns, Toastmasters, Values|Comments Off on Is your gratitude showing?

Faces, friends, and reconnecting on a weekend trip

My friend Tabitha and I drove to Chicago last weekend to attend the Lead Like Jesus Facilitators’ Reconnect. Part of the program was devoted to the work we did in Uganda last October, so I was invited to attend even though I’m not yet a fully-trained facilitator. We arrived at the hotel around noon, but weren’t able to check in because our room wasn’t ready yet. So we went to the café next door to have some lunch. As we approached the restaurant, I could [...]

By |May 4th, 2012|Columns, Faith, Travel, Uganda|Comments Off on Faces, friends, and reconnecting on a weekend trip

Dance of Life? It’s the Hokey-Pokey!

The Hokey-Pokey. That’s what I’ve decided is the dance of my life. I’ve never thought about my life as a dance before, and probably never would have if I hadn’t been asked that question during the Table Topics Speech Contest at the Toastmasters District Convention last weekend. The exact question was this: “Life is a dance that you learn as you go along. What dance represents your life?” When you’re asked a Table Topics question, especially in a contest, you don’t have time to think [...]

By |April 27th, 2012|Columns, Toastmasters|Comments Off on Dance of Life? It’s the Hokey-Pokey!

Insights come from tea and cookies and favorite people

I got some great advice and ideas last week, which I plan to incorporate into my business as well as my personal life. These insights came during conversations with two different friends. I was meeting one of them for coffee. The other I spoke to on the phone as we were rescheduling a planned get-together. We had to reschedule it because my friend, who is almost 80, is moving into a new townhouse. She calls it her “penthouse” and is excited about its big window [...]

By |April 20th, 2012|Columns|Comments Off on Insights come from tea and cookies and favorite people

A Table Topics question revisits resolutions

“What New Year’s Resolution did you make this year, and how long did you keep it?” I was asked that question last week during Table Topics at a Toastmasters meeting I attended. Table Topics is the time, during every Toastmasters meeting, when we practice thinking on our feet and organizing our thoughts on the fly. The Table Topics Master asks a question, and then calls on someone to answer it. That person then has to spend one to two minutes responding to the question. Note [...]

By |April 13th, 2012|Accountability, Columns, Toastmasters|Comments Off on A Table Topics question revisits resolutions

Washing of feet much more than a symbol

Wash your feet. That’s probably not something you hear or say very often. We wear shoes and socks much of the time, and most of the walking we do is indoors or on paved roads and parking lots. You probably wash your feet when you take your shower every day, but most likely you don’t think about it even then. You just do it. “Washing of the feet,” however, is something many of us think about during the Easter season – especially on Holy Thursday, [...]

By |April 6th, 2012|Columns, Holidays, Uganda|Comments Off on Washing of feet much more than a symbol

Morning sun brings an enlightening experience

I didn’t ask for a message or a miracle, but that’s what I got. I was sitting on the sofa in my family room, doing my prayer exercise. This is a ritual – part prayer, part journal, part asking God for advice – that grew out of a class I once took. Now it’s something I do every morning. The past few weeks had been extremely busy, with the kind of work that made me feel like I was taking one step forward and two [...]

By |March 30th, 2012|Columns, Family, Writing|1 Comment

A surprise discovery comes on someone else’s birthday

I attended a friend’s surprise 50th birthday party on Sunday. On the birthday card I got for her I added the note, “Welcome to the 50’s!” And as I sealed the envelope it occurred to me that it won’t be too long before I’ll be waving goodbye to the 50’s from the other direction. A similar realization struck me not long ago, as Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season approached. I follow my faith’s Lenten rules of fast and abstinence, which include abstaining from meat [...]

By |March 23rd, 2012|Columns|Comments Off on A surprise discovery comes on someone else’s birthday