
The first Father’s Day without Dad is memorable and meaningful

Father’s Day is going to be bittersweet this year. The sweet part is that my husband has just returned home from a business trip, and we’ll be able to spend the weekend – particularly Sunday – catching up, relaxing, and celebrating Father’s Day. The not-so-sweet part is that this will be the first Father’s Day without my dad, who passed away in January. It still gnaws at me that I can’t call him every Sunday, as we’ve done ever since first moving away from the [...]

By |June 13th, 2014|Columns, Faith, Family, Holidays|Comments Off on The first Father’s Day without Dad is memorable and meaningful

Watching, learning, and following are first steps to leading and teaching

“See one, do one, teach one.” If I recall correctly, that was a line I first heard years ago on an episode of “ER” – one of my all-time favorite TV shows – by a doctor who was encouraging and guiding a medical student in a procedure the med student had never done before. The line came back to me last weekend when I was in the “See One” phase of a training I’m now going through. I haven’t switched careers and started med school. [...]

By |June 6th, 2014|Columns, Faith, Uganda, Values|Comments Off on Watching, learning, and following are first steps to leading and teaching

A week in the chapel starts a journey for life

I just accomplished a goal I set for myself almost a year and a half ago, and I feel pretty good about it. The goal isn’t an end in itself, it’s more of a milestone. Still, it’s pretty significant, and I’m going to take a little time to simply enjoy and celebrate the fact that I did it. The goal was to spend a week in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel at my church. Not all at once, of course, but an hour at a time. [...]

By |May 30th, 2014|Accountability, Columns, Faith|Comments Off on A week in the chapel starts a journey for life

Which would you choose?

First question: Would you rather take a shower in ice-cold water, or skip taking a shower? Second question: Would you rather go without water or electricity in your home? I had to think about both of these questions one day last week, although the choice wasn’t really mine to make in either one. The first question came up during Table Topics at my Toastmasters meeting on Thursday morning. During Table Topics, a question, dilemma, or quote is presented to the group, and the person called [...]

By |May 23rd, 2014|Columns, Making a Difference, Toastmasters, Uganda|Comments Off on Which would you choose?

A birthday decision launches a year-long adventure

“Within the next year, I’m going to do 60 things I’ve never done before.” That’s what a friend of mine decided on her 60th birthday, which was a few months ago. Whenever she does something she’s never done before, she writes it down on a slip of paper and deposits it in a special jar she keeps for this purpose. Her goal is to have 60 new experiences by her next birthday. She told me about this after reading one of my recent columns, which [...]

By |May 16th, 2014|Columns|4 Comments

Learning to juggle leads to multiple successes

Sometimes the lessons we learn aren’t just the ones that are actually being taught. What we get out of them can go way beyond what was intended. That happened to me last weekend, during one of the sessions at a “Lead Like Jesus” Reconnect in Chicago. The session was about leadership, but the lesson was about juggling. Each of us was placed in one of four groups, based on our level of competence and enthusiasm for juggling. Then we were given a partner, a set [...]

By |May 2nd, 2014|Columns, Faith, Success|Comments Off on Learning to juggle leads to multiple successes

The source of bravery is in us all

What makes you brave? The date was October 27, 2011. Four people walked down a narrow pathway between two rundown buildings. When they came out on the other side, they were in a different world. Sounds like something out of a Harry Potter book, doesn’t it? But I can assure you that the place these four people were traveling to was not a magical one. It was a muddy and garbage-strewn slum not far from Kampala, the capital of Uganda. Of the four people there [...]

By |April 25th, 2014|Columns, Making a Difference, Uganda, Values|Comments Off on The source of bravery is in us all

A weekend in Connecticut brought wealth and abundance home

  I spent last weekend at a business retreat in Connecticut. The leader of the retreat is someone I met a few months ago, and I knew she was exactly the right person to help me with some areas of my business in which I still needed some guidance and support. She works almost exclusively with women entrepreneurs, and she focuses on both the spiritual and the business aspects of our work. One of the practices she insists we do every morning is to incorporate [...]

By |April 18th, 2014|Buried Treasure, Columns|2 Comments

Retiring women? I don’t think so!

I got a lot of feedback on the column I wrote last week – much of it from women who are roughly my age and who are living a life that is anything but “retiring.” In case you missed it, the column was inspired by the George Eliot quote, “It’s never too late to be who you might have been,” and was about women – myself included – who discovered a new talent or calling, and who pursued new dreams and adventures in what might [...]

By |April 11th, 2014|Columns, Quotes and Sayings|6 Comments

If life’s a journey – where are you going?

“It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” I have a bookmark that has this George Eliot quote on it, and I smile every time I look at it. It makes me think of people like Grandma Moses, who was in her late 70s when she first started painting, after arthritis forced her to give up the embroidery she had enjoyed for most of her life. She, of course, could be the poster child for it never being “too late.” But Grandma [...]

By |April 4th, 2014|Columns, Quotes and Sayings|6 Comments