
Picture Perfect

It wasn’t a very romantic start to Valentine’s Day. But then again, I didn’t expect it to be. I was at an early-morning appointment in Atlanta with one of the doctors I see for annual checkups. The exam room I was in was right across the hall from the door to the general waiting room. After I watched a few people come and go, I saw a deliveryman come in, carrying a bouquet of roses, a stuffed teddy bear, a heart-shaped box of chocolates, and [...]

By |February 16th, 2025|Columns, Family, Holidays|0 Comments

A Loaf and a Lightbulb

I’m sure most of us are familiar with some variation of the story about a reporter who once asked Thomas Edison how it felt to fail so many times while trying to invent the lightbulb. Edison replied, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” I can relate to that. It’s how I felt while making a loaf of sourdough bread. I actually tried making sourdough bread a few years ago, after reading that it’s a healthier bread choice for diabetics. [...]

By |February 7th, 2025|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Success, Values|Comments Off on A Loaf and a Lightbulb

Farewell to a Friend

I first met Jeannette when we both lived in Roanoke, Virginia, and were members of the Newcomers Club. In addition to attending the monthly luncheons, she and I were both avid readers and were members of the Newcomers’ Book Club, as well as the “Stitch ’n’ Chat” group, and a few other Newcomers small groups. When my family moved to Colorado, she sent me a letter telling me about an author who was local to my new area, and whose books she was enjoying. “I [...]

By |January 29th, 2025|Columns, Values, Writing|Comments Off on Farewell to a Friend

Let’s resolve this.

One of the members of my writing group is a woman from South Korea. She’s had a difficult life, both there and here, and has shared with us some heartfelt and thoughtful observations about her life and experiences—again, both there and here. At our last meeting, she read a piece that touched on New Year’s Resolutions, noting that once, when she had a January appointment with her dentist, she asked him what his New Year’s Resolutions were. He said he didn’t make any. She wrote [...]

By |January 21st, 2025|Accountability, Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Holidays, Quotes and Sayings, Values, Writing|Comments Off on Let’s resolve this.

New Year’s Non-Resolutions

So here we are, a week into the New Year, and I’m still working on my New Year’s Resolutions. I guess that means “Quit procrastinating” is off the table. Actually, I haven’t been procrastinating. I’ve just been changing my mind a lot. Which means “Be more decisive” is probably also off the table. Here’s the thing. At Mass on New Year’s Day, our pastor’s homily touched on New Year’s Resolutions. As you would expect, he didn’t focus on losing weight or cleaning out closets, but [...]

By |January 8th, 2025|Accountability, Columns, Faith, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on New Year’s Non-Resolutions

A Roaring Good Time

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve dressed up for a Halloween party or any other costume event. But I was recently reminded of how much fun it can be. Georgia Writers Museum holds a “Meet the Author” event every month, when we invite a Georgia author to do a presentation, usually based on his or her most recent book. We select a theme for the event—also based on the book—and design the décor, food, and drinks around that. The head of our Programs [...]

By |December 10th, 2024|Columns, Gifts and Talents, Writing|Comments Off on A Roaring Good Time

Time and Time Again

Well, it’s that time of year again, when we turn over the last page of the calendar—those of us who still use paper calendars, that is—and shake our heads as we wonder out loud: “Where did the year go?” Even though Christmas sales and decorations now start showing up around July, the Christmas season still unofficially starts on the day after Thanksgiving. And since Thanksgiving this year was November 28, the last date it’s possible to be, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is crunched [...]

By |December 3rd, 2024|Columns, Holidays, Quotes and Sayings|Comments Off on Time and Time Again

Gobble, Gobble!

I first saw it in an email ad from Kroger about a week ago. The email featured coupons, menus, recipes, tips, and even a timetable for preparing Thanksgiving dinner, including appetizers, side dishes, and desserts. I was drawn first to the recipes, of course, and that’s where I saw the photo of a turkey-shaped cheeseball, complete with pretzel feet, cracker face, and a colorful bell-pepper tail. It made me laugh just to look at it, and I could tell it would be fairly easy to [...]

By |November 23rd, 2024|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|Comments Off on Gobble, Gobble!

Life Lessons from Stan the Man

There are times—like right now, on election day—when I worry about the state of our country and the world. I’m concerned about all the angry rhetoric, the threats of violence, and the explosive tempers that seem to be the norm these days. It makes me wonder what kind of example we’re setting for our children, and what kind of lessons we’re teaching them. Then I come across someone like Stanley Tucker. And I’m comforted and relieved to know that because of people like him, there’s [...]

By |November 5th, 2024|Accountability, Columns, Making a Difference, Respect, Values|Comments Off on Life Lessons from Stan the Man

Lighten Up!

My book club meets once a month, and each of our twelve members takes a turn hosting the meeting—serving snacks and lunch before we sit down to discuss the book. I always try to work the menu around the theme or environment of the book we’re discussing. Book Club was at my house this month, and the book we read was A Shadow in Moscow, by Katherine Reay. I highly recommend it, by the way—and since it’s a spy novel set in Russia, I researched [...]

By |October 27th, 2024|Columns, Health and Well-being, Holidays, Organizing, Values|Comments Off on Lighten Up!