
A Loaf and a Lightbulb

I’m sure most of us are familiar with some variation of the story about a reporter who once asked Thomas Edison how it felt to fail so many times while trying to invent the lightbulb. Edison replied, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” I can relate to that. It’s how I felt while making a loaf of sourdough bread. I actually tried making sourdough bread a few years ago, after reading that it’s a healthier bread choice for diabetics. [...]

By |February 7th, 2025|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Success, Values|Comments Off on A Loaf and a Lightbulb

Let’s resolve this.

One of the members of my writing group is a woman from South Korea. She’s had a difficult life, both there and here, and has shared with us some heartfelt and thoughtful observations about her life and experiences—again, both there and here. At our last meeting, she read a piece that touched on New Year’s Resolutions, noting that once, when she had a January appointment with her dentist, she asked him what his New Year’s Resolutions were. He said he didn’t make any. She wrote [...]

By |January 21st, 2025|Accountability, Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Holidays, Quotes and Sayings, Values, Writing|Comments Off on Let’s resolve this.

Learning Today from the Leaders of Tomorrow

I recently went back to school again, and I was amazed at all I learned. Especially since I was there for barely an hour. The Georgia Writers Museum offers a number of educational programs, one of which is a Junior Board consisting of students in a Leadership class at the county high school. When the teacher of the class was recently named Teacher of the Month, and one of the students in her Leadership class—and on our Junior Board—was named Student of the Month, it [...]

By |April 20th, 2024|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Making a Difference, Values|Comments Off on Learning Today from the Leaders of Tomorrow

The Speech of a Lifetime

The most poignant and powerful speech I have ever listened to was one I heard more than a decade ago, and to this day, I still remember every word of it. Of course, there were only eleven words. I’ve written about this before, but it is more relevant today than ever, and I think it warrants revisiting. It took place near the end of a weeklong “Inspirational Speakers” workshop I attended – along with about a hundred other people. At the end of the week, [...]

By |November 20th, 2023|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Professional Speaking, Values|Comments Off on The Speech of a Lifetime

A New Bucket List

I’ve just crossed a few things off my bucket list, one of which was to actually watch the movie, The Bucket List. I watched it on the plane coming home from Hawaii. A Hawaiian vacation has been on my husband’s and my bucket list for a long time, and we finally planned and booked it this year. So that was the major item we just crossed off our list. Our top priority in Hawaii was visiting Pearl Harbor and the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial. It feels [...]

By |October 25th, 2023|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Travel, Values|Comments Off on A New Bucket List

Saving for a Rainy Day

It’s pouring rain as I’m writing this, although the weather may be sunny and dry by the time you read it – or even by the time I finish writing. But it’s been cloudy and gloomy since early this morning, and our weather forecast says it’s going to be that way all day – not that I go by the forecast when I’m planning my day. Still, I like it when I can stay home on rainy days, and not just because it keeps me [...]

By |June 12th, 2023|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Writing|Comments Off on Saving for a Rainy Day

What we want, what we need

It was in the middle of a recent writers workshop that a line from a Rolling Stones song popped into my mind. The line, and the song, is “You can’t always get what you want.” This happened as the workshop leader was talking about some of the nuts and bolts of writing a novel. While describing the development of character and plot, he said that the main character – and there should almost always be just one main character – must have a want and [...]

By |May 15th, 2023|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Success, Values, Writing|Comments Off on What we want, what we need

Choosing a Favorite

“So—Which place that you visited was your favorite?” I was expecting – and dreading – that question once my husband and I returned from our vacation in Italy. The only accurate and appropriate answer I could give would be the cliché response: “That’s like asking me which child is my favorite,” especially if my children numbered more than a dozen, instead of just two. I was planning to go on a pilgrimage to Italy with my church a number of years ago, but because of [...]

By |March 3rd, 2023|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Travel, Values|Comments Off on Choosing a Favorite

Just a little time

A friend of mine commented on last week’s blog about my New Year’s Resolution to spend an hour, first thing in the morning, writing. He suggested that one hour might be too big of a commitment at first, and that it would be better to start with a shorter amount of time – 15 minutes, perhaps, or even just 10. I’m sure many people would question how long it would take to write a book – or accomplish anything, for that matter – in 15-minute [...]

By |January 9th, 2023|Accountability, Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Writing|Comments Off on Just a little time

I firmly resolve…

I’ve decided that 2023 is going to be the Year of the Book. This is no relation to the Year of the Tiger, Rabbit, Ox, Dragon, Snake, or any other animal celebrated in the Chinese New Year. Instead, it’s related to my New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve realized for a while now that I’m not spending enough time, on a regular basis, on any of the books I’m writing. I have four that are in various stages of completion, from great-idea-and-outline-done to basically-finished-but-needs-a-bit-of-tweaking. And none of [...]

By |December 31st, 2022|Accountability, Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Health and Well-being, Holidays, Writing|Comments Off on I firmly resolve…