

Landing in Africa

Editor’s Note: Betty Liedtke is in Uganda. While she is gone, we are publishing excerpts from her upcoming book about her first trip to Uganda, in October, 2011. Tuesday Evening, October 11, 2011 I am in Africa! It doesn’t quite feel like it yet, because I haven’t actually gotten off the plane. Our Amsterdam to Entebbe flight included another stop – in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. That’s where we are now. It’s just a short stop, under an hour, [...]

By |July 21st, 2013|Columns, Travel, Uganda, Uncategorized|

A Lesson in Leadership

Tabitha and I have already spent some time at the Cornerstone Leadership Academy--both the Boys' school and the Girls' school, where I did a program about finding the treasure in our gifts from God. We've been asked to develop leadership programs and presentations for other groups, so we've been working on those, too. The other night, I got a lesson and some insights into leadership in a rather unusual way. Tabitha and her husband Stone invited me for a visit [...]

By |July 18th, 2013|Faith, Family, Uganda, Uncategorized|

Back home to Uganda

I remember well arriving in Entebbe during my first trip to Uganda. Standing in the airport parking lot while our bags were being loaded in the van, I kept looking up at the sky and the scenery all around me, and thinking, "I'm in Africa! I'm in Africa!" It's now two trips later in just under two years, and I find myself taking it all in and enjoying the familiarity. I was welcomed as warmly as Tabitha was by her [...]

By |July 14th, 2013|Family, Travel, Uganda, Uncategorized|

The end of one chapter is the beginning of the next

Note: For ten weeks, I am using the Dream Coaching® program to work on my dream of finishing and publishing a book about my trip to Uganda, and I am reporting on my progress in my weekly column. As always, my column is posted on my blog every Friday. To read the series from the beginning, start with the introductory post, dated May 3, 2013. It’s hard for me to believe that it’s already Week 10 of the Dream Coaching [...]

By |July 12th, 2013|Accountability, Coaching, Columns, Uganda, Uncategorized, Writing|

Build a Dream Team if you want to win

Note: For ten weeks, I am using the Dream Coaching® program to work on my dream of finishing and publishing a book about my trip to Uganda, and I am reporting on my progress in my weekly column. As always, my column is posted on my blog every Friday. To read the series from the beginning, start with the introductory post, dated May 3, 2013. I realize that my roots are showing as well as my age, but I have [...]

By |July 5th, 2013|Accountability, Coaching, Columns, Uganda, Writing|

Serious steps bring you closer to your dream

Note: For ten weeks, I am using the Dream Coaching® program to work on my dream of finishing and publishing a book about my trip to Uganda, and I am reporting on my progress in my weekly column. As always, my column is posted on my blog every Friday. To read the series from the beginning, start with the introductory post, dated May 3, 2013. I have always found Session 8 of the Dream Coaching program to be a challenge [...]

By |June 28th, 2013|Accountability, Coaching, Columns, Uganda, Writing|