

A project a week will lead to success

91.25 hours. Over the course of a year, that’s how much time you would spend on something if you devoted just 15 minutes a day to it. I mention this because my New Year’s Resolution last year was to spend 15 minutes a day decluttering. That might mean whittling down a stack of papers on the kitchen counter one day, cleaning out an overstuffed dresser drawer on another, and tackling an overloaded bookshelf in my office on a third. As [...]

By |December 27th, 2013|Accountability, Columns, Holidays, Organizing|

Memories and traditions warm up the holidays

When I was very young, Santa Claus used to visit our house on Christmas Eve. Not in the middle of the night – leaving presents under the tree when we were nestled all snug in our beds – but early in the evening, when we were still up and wide awake. I remember one year when we needed to make a quick trip to the grocery store on Christmas Eve. We kids were distraught, afraid we might miss Santa’s visit. [...]

By |December 20th, 2013|Columns, Faith, Family, Holidays|

Adjust for foul weather, on the road and in life

The snow, ice, and frigid weather we’ve had so far this year have already caused me to change my plans several times. When I hear words like “snow emergency” and “travel advisory” on the news, especially when they say we shouldn’t go out unless we absolutely have to, I reevaluate my plans and priorities. That doesn’t mean I always stay home, but it does mean that I give it some extra thought. And I’ve come to realize that this is [...]

By |December 13th, 2013|Columns|

A change of plans brought family together

My dad, who just turned 86, fell in the shower not long ago. He banged up his elbow pretty badly and needed stitches. He then developed an infection, which did not respond to antibiotics, and ended up in the hospital having surgery on his arm. He’s now at a care center that provides rehab and therapy. So my husband, my sister and I decided to drive to Chicago over the Thanksgiving weekend and spend time with family there rather than [...]

By |December 6th, 2013|Columns, Family, Health and Well-being, Holidays|

Remember the giving as well as the thanks

I’m doing Thanksgiving a little differently this year. That doesn’t mean I’ll be making any changes to the traditional meal, or abandoning time-honored practices and customs that go along with the day. And it certainly doesn’t mean I won’t be thinking, talking, or writing about all of the people and things I am grateful for. What it means is that before I focus on the “thanks” part of Thanksgiving this year, I’m going to concentrate on the “giving” part. I [...]

By |November 28th, 2013|Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|

The changes we go through when a friend moves away

I had brunch last weekend with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. Our schedules aren’t very compatible these days, so when we want to get together, it often takes us a number of tries before we’re able to find a date and time that works for us both. But it’s always worth it once we do. The first thing we did after we settled in and ordered our food was to bring each other up-to-date on work, family, [...]

By |November 22nd, 2013|Columns|