Update your resume for a new look at life
When is the last time you updated your resume? Not the one that reflects your employment history and career path, but the one that describes your life. I thought about this recently after a friend of mine, who’s applying for a new job, asked if I would look at her resume and cover letter and give her some feedback. I did, suggesting a few slight changes in her wording and organization. She made the changes, and did some other minor [...]
A Smartphone suggestion supports a new habit
Often, at the start of a meeting, presentation, or entertainment event, people in the audience are reminded to turn off their cell phones for the duration of the program. But I was recently at a place where the speaker actually asked everyone to take out their Smartphones and use them, right then and there. I’m sure everyone else was just as surprised as I was, especially considering where we were, and who was making the request. The person speaking was [...]
Try sleeping through your New Year’s Resolution
It’s New Year’s Resolution time, and I’ve been thinking about what change or improvement in myself I most want to make this year. It’s a tough choice, as I’ve got a lot of material to work with. Should I focus on getting rid of the extra pounds that I invariably add on over the holidays? Or tackle unfinished projects from the recent – or ancient – past? I could work at developing a good habit in some area of my [...]
The most welcome gift is – you!
The theme of our Toastmasters meeting a few weeks ago was “You are a Gift.” I enjoyed taking part in the meeting, partly because it was such a festive and timely theme, since gifts are a big part of the holiday season. And partly because I always enjoy helping people discover their own gifts, no matter what season it is. Those gifts, of course, aren’t the kind that are bought from a store, or wrapped in shiny paper with a [...]
Florida philosophy is cause for celebration
I didn’t even need to put my shoes back on. I opened the sliding glass door and walked out, barefoot, to the backyard. I went over to the orange tree and picked a bowlful of oranges, then went back inside. Soon I was tasting what was literally the freshest orange juice I have ever had in my life. Then we opened a chilled bottle of champagne, and before long we were sipping on equally-fresh mimosas. As you probably guessed, we [...]
Clear your desk, and focus on what’s most important
One of my first jobs out of college was in a Chicago Advertising Agency. My boss was the Creative Director, and I also worked for several copywriters and whatever Account Executives needed extra assistance at any given time. My desk was always piled high with papers and projects, and other people’s priorities. One day, the president’s secretary came to me and said, “Betty, how would you like to clear your desk?” At first I thought I was being fired, but [...]