Recurring nightmares expose our biggest fears
I did a radio interview last week that focused on the coaching I do to help people achieve their dreams. After we finished recording, the host and I had a conversation that started out about dreams and goals, then progressed to the subject of nighttime dreams, and finally to recurring nightmares. Like when you’re running away from something and you keep falling down, or you’re making an emergency phone call and you keep misdialing. I mentioned that when I have [...]
It may not be easy, but it’s always worth it
“If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.” That was the standard reply I always heard from a friend of mine whenever one of us – or anyone we knew, for that matter – was dealing with a really difficult problem or an especially challenging issue, in business or in life. And it was a good reminder, not only that it takes hard work, discipline, and perseverance to reach our goals, but that the result will be worth the [...]
When the numbers are off, so is trust
One of the things I’m very good at is proofreading. Part of this, as you might expect, comes from the years I’ve spent writing and editing. But even when I’m not looking for typos, misspellings, or other mistakes, they jump out at me. I’ve found them in books, magazines, newspapers, and catalogs, as well as the dictionary and the phone book. I even saw an error once in the numbers on the side of a measuring cup. I just found [...]
A weekend workshop shows how we’re Called & Gifted
I spent much of last weekend at the Cathedral of St. Paul. I hadn’t been to the Cathedral since my kids were confirmed, and as I drove into the parking lot on Friday night, I was struck anew with the majesty of the building, especially the way it was lit up at night. So the first thing I did when I got there was a “touristy” thing – I took a few photos before I went inside. I did the [...]
Success comes when we keep moving
One of the things I find most rewarding and gratifying about writing is when someone tells me that something I’ve written has helped them or inspired them or changed their life in some way. It’s also rewarding when something I write leads to a discovery of my own that helps me or inspires me or changes my life in some way. It happened again a few days ago, as I was journaling about different projects I’m working on that seem [...]
Dreaming and exploring can help your life to GROW
What is your dream? That was the theme of the meeting and of my presentation at GROW last week. GROW stands for “God Renewing Our Women,” and it’s a new women’s ministry that was started at my parish last September. Because of my background and experience in helping people achieve their dreams, I was asked last August if I could do a presentation on the subject. I still remember the day I received the request. It came in an email [...]