We can learn a lot from Camelot
“Camelot” has always been one of my all-time favorite musicals. I’ve probably seen it half a dozen times or so at various theatres over the years, so I was delighted when I heard it was coming back to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres. I attended last Saturday night’s performance, and loved every second of it – which I expected. I also expected to be singing and humming songs from the show for the next few days, and I was. It’s hard [...]
Pearls and close encounters can improve your life
In the coaching I do, I have my clients look for a “pearl of wisdom” in between each of our sessions. It can be a major “Aha!” moment that strikes with the force of a lightning bolt, or it can come as a gentle whisper bringing a quiet, yet profound, bit of knowledge or understanding. Either way, these “pearls” can fade away quickly if we don’t make a note of them. Or if we’re not paying attention and don’t even [...]
A family follow-up warms the heart
I got an email a few days ago that had me walking on air. It was from the husband of the woman I wrote about last week. In case you missed that column, it was about a woman I saw in church the previous Sunday. She was at Mass with her four young sons, and I was impressed by them all – the boys, who were very well-dressed and well-behaved, and the mom, who was obviously a woman of strong [...]
A close-up view of a saintly woman
It was a few minutes before Mass was to start on Sunday morning. A woman and four young boys came in and sat in the pew in front of me. Two thoughts immediately struck me. The first was, “Wow. That woman must have her hands full!” The other was to note how well-dressed the boys were. They ranged in age from ten to two, which I know because I asked the mom after Mass. Each of the boys, including the [...]