

The Best Advice

“Advice is what you ask for when you know the answer, but wish you didn’t.” I don’t know what philosopher, comedian, or entrepreneur first said that, but I do recall chuckling the first time I read it. And I agree there’s some truth to it. After all, when we’re dealing with complex issues in our lives, or trying to decide on next steps or a course of action, we often find that the answers we were looking for were inside [...]

By |February 18th, 2024|Columns, Health and Well-being, Quotes and Sayings|

The Silent Treatment

Our pastor announced last weekend that he was going to be away for a few days, on a silent retreat. In addition to no talking, there would be no phones, internet, electronics, or communication of any kind. Just—silence. And meditation. And prayer. I know several people who have done silent retreats in the past, some as long as 30 days. The very idea of that amazes me. Even getting past the idea of taking a sabbatical from your regular life [...]

By |February 11th, 2024|Columns, Values|

Only Time Will Tell

I’ve never studied astrophysics or quantum mechanics, but I consider myself fairly knowledgeable on the subject of time travel. After all, plenty of sci-fi books, movies, and television shows have explored and explained multiple means and methods of traveling through time, whether by racing past the speed of light in a powerful spaceship, folding and stepping through the time-space continuum, or hitting the gas pedal in a plutonium-powered DeLorean—or in any number of basement-built time machines. My husband and I [...]

By |January 29th, 2024|Uncategorized|

My Very Favorite Book

Although my college graduation was almost 50 years ago—but who’s counting?—I continue to go back to school on a regular basis. I enjoy attending classes, workshops, and seminars, whether they’re to learn something totally new, to get advanced training, or just for fun. I’ve been in junior college courses, community ed classes, Bible studies, and master-level programs. And now I’ve gone back to kindergarten. It was Pre-K, actually, and I wasn’t exactly enrolled in the class. Instead, I was taking [...]

By |January 19th, 2024|Columns, Writing|

Make It Fun, and It Will Get Done

We’re a full week into the new year, and my New Year’s Resolution is still alive and well. In fact, it’s taken on a life of its own. The basic plan was to declutter one room or area a month, and to get rid of at least one item every day, so that 30 or more items will be donated or thrown out by the time I move on to my next target. I decided to start with the master [...]

By |January 9th, 2024|Accountability, Columns, Holidays, Organizing|

A Valuable Lesson

I saw a news clip recently about a woman who bought a vase at a Goodwill store for $3.99, and ended up selling it for over a hundred thousand dollars after discovering it was a rare and valuable piece by a famous Italian designer. That’s one of the reasons I have a hard time getting rid of things. Because you never know. Then there’s the fact that I may discover I desperately need something as soon as I give it [...]

By |January 1st, 2024|Accountability, Columns, Holidays, Organizing|