

Old Friends, New Saying

“Well, butter my biscuits, that was fun!” In order to fully appreciate that statement, you need to hear it spoken with a slow, Southern drawl – which, obviously, I can’t do in print. But I repeated it often after reading the saying – the “butter my biscuits” part and several variations of it – on coffee mugs, tea towels, and wall hangings in some of the shops and boutiques I strolled through last weekend. I was with some friends I [...]

By |August 3rd, 2018|Columns, Quotes and Sayings, Travel, Values|

Time with Family and Friends

We’re finishing up laundry and leftovers after a lovely visit from my sister and nephew last weekend. Now I’m packing and preparing for a weekend at the coast with three fantastic friends whom I haven’t seen in person in almost ten years. So I’m not going to write much this week, other than to say how wonderful it is to spend time relaxing and having fun with family and friends who mean the world to us. And that I hope [...]

By |July 27th, 2018|Columns, Family, Values|

A rainy day leads to a sunny outlook

The weather was sunny and dry when we left home, but clouded up on our way to the grocery store. It was drizzling when we went in, and pouring when we came out. People were racing to and from the store holding umbrellas over their grocery carts and themselves. “You wait here,” my husband said. “I’ll go get the car.” There was a long line of people with full grocery carts waiting near the entrance to the store, and I [...]

By |July 20th, 2018|Columns, Respect, Values|

A new player is joining our team

We spent Father’s Day weekend at the home of our son and his wife, but Father’s Day wasn’t the reason for our visit. Instead, it was to attend and celebrate our daughter-in-law’s graduation from Nursing School on Saturday morning. When we got to their house Friday evening, there were two gift boxes on the kitchen table. “Happy Father’s Day,” our son said, pushing one of them toward my husband. “And a belated Happy Mother’s Day to you,” he said, pushing [...]

By |July 15th, 2018|Columns, Family, Quotes and Sayings|

Birthday Wishes for America

242. That's the number of candles on America’s birthday cake this year. If America made a wish before blowing out the candles, don’t you wonder what it might have been? After giving it some thought, I have a few ideas. If it were me, I would wish for fewer headlines about the people who are most in the news these days, and more about people like the man who returned my nephew’s lost wallet a few weeks ago. My nephew [...]

By |July 6th, 2018|Accountability, Columns, Family, Holidays, Values|

Birthday Reflections through the Years

Spoiler alert: Today’s blog is one of the Stroll-Down-Memory-Lane ones that evokes the song, “Sunrise, Sunset,” from Fiddler on the Roof. It has to do with milestone birthdays. Like 13, when you become a teenager, and 20, when you stop being one. Like 16, when you can get your driver’s license, and 21, when you’re officially and legally an adult. And then, before you know it, you start getting mail from AARP and Senior Living facilities, and all of a [...]