

Bad news, good people

It was my husband’s turn to host a group of guys from our neighborhood who meet for coffee once a week. When the gathering is at our house, I help get things set up in the morning, then head out for a few hours to myself away from home. Sometimes I go to the health club. Other times I run a few errands or do a little shopping. But this week I decided to go somewhere where I could just [...]

By |June 21st, 2019|Columns, Values|

Time for a Tune-Up

We’re almost halfway through the year, which makes this a good time for a much-needed reset and jump start on a project of mine – my still-active New Year’s Resolution. This year, my resolution was to come up with a monthly theme, such as “Decluttering” or “Health Habits,” and then do weekly tasks or projects related to the theme. It’s gone well, for the most part, but I’ve fallen a bit behind lately. Part of the reason, of course, was [...]

Back at Home

I’m back. And I appreciate the thoughts, prayers, and support from those who read my blog and knew nothing except that I was going out of town unexpectedly, and would not be posting any blogs for a few weeks. The suddenness of our leaving town was due to a medical emergency with my mother-in-law, who was in and out of the hospital – and back in again – in the time we were there with her. That trip led directly [...]

By |June 9th, 2019|Columns, Family, Travel, Values|

Taking a brief time-out

I’m going to be dealing with some family issues and a bit of traveling over the next few weeks, so you won’t hear from me at all next week. Hopefully, I’ll be back on line the week after that. I wish everyone a safe and relaxing Memorial Day weekend. May 24, 2019 ©Betty Liedtke, 2019 I welcome your comments, but please be aware that all comments will be moderated and approved before appearing on this blog. This is to protect [...]

By |May 24th, 2019|Columns|

What if…?

“The God of Chaos.” It sounds like the title of a video game, or a villain in the latest superhero movie. But it’s the name given to a huge asteroid that was in the news recently, one that’s supposed to pass closely enough to earth to be visible to the naked eye. But not for another ten years. We were talking about this not long ago while visiting our daughter. It started with a conversation about what’s going on in [...]

By |May 18th, 2019|Accountability, Columns, Values|

‘Tis the season…

We’re just a few weeks away from Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer. But in some ways, it feels like summer has already begun. We attended a graduation party yesterday for one of our neighbors who just finished college, and will soon be off to nursing school. In a few weeks we’ll be attending another graduation party – this one for our nephew. Since he enlisted in the Army, his high school graduation will not only be a celebration [...]

By |May 10th, 2019|Columns, Family, Holidays|