The Best Response
“Feel the fear, and do it anyway.” That was the theme of a Toastmasters meeting I attended on Friday. It was a demo meeting at a company in Augusta that is planning to sponsor a new Toastmasters club for employees, and I was part of the team providing a demonstration of what a Toastmasters meeting is like. “Feel the fear, and do it anyway” could easily be a motto for Toastmasters in general, since public speaking is one of the [...]
Does Not Compute
You know that feeling you get when the electricity goes out during a storm, and stays out for more than a few hours? That disoriented feeling as you try to remember not to open the refrigerator more than absolutely necessary, when you shake your head as you walk into a different room and flick on the light switch from force of habit even though you’re holding a flashlight in your other hand, and when you start to wonder – especially [...]
Tribute to a King
I took part in an Open Mic Poetry Reading last night that was co-sponsored by the Georgia Writers Museum and our local library. The event was to include a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and others who have been influences in our lives. I took the occasion as a challenge to write a poem inspired by Martin Luther King, and by the time I was done I realized that his message – and especially his “I have a dream” [...]
Focus for the New Year
“Focus.” That’s the word that’s now printed in large letters on the bulletin board behind my desk, and it’s the word I’m going to try to incorporate into my thoughts and actions during the coming year. The idea for this came from a video I received last week from some friends who publish a blog called “Sharing Life’s Lessons.” In the video, they talked about New Year’s Resolutions, and ways to make them more successful. They also talked about the [...]
Time for Cleaning Up and Clearing Out
We’re three days into the new year, and my New Year’s Resolution is still going strong. And, since it involves weekly projects – and the first one’s already done – it will still be intact for at least another few days. Actually, I expect it to stay alive and well for a lot longer – hopefully throughout the entire year. It’s a variation on other New Year’s Resolutions I’ve made in the past when my focus has been organizing and [...]