

A Tough Week to Write About

I had a really difficult time writing my blog this week. Like many people, I am horrified by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the atrocities being inflicted on the Ukrainian people. Although it’s not the kind of thing I normally write about, I thought it was warranted at this time. To not even acknowledge it felt like I would be closing my eyes to all that was happening there, or being dismissive of something that is already having world-changing consequences. [...]

By |March 20th, 2022|Columns|

Lead the Way

My last Leadership class was on Wednesday, and the focus of this class was Recreation. We visited a number of parks and recreational facilities, as well as our local Water and Sewer Authority, and Wallace Dam, which separates Lake Oconee from Lake Sinclair. Although the cold, cloudy day – and the forecast of rain – drove us indoors for part of the day, we still managed to get outside for many of our planned activities. For one of them, we [...]

By |March 13th, 2022|Accountability, Columns, Success, Values|

What a treat!

I spent most of last weekend at the Georgia Writers Museum, helping with their first Annual Writers Retreat. As a member of the Board and the Programs Committee, I was thrilled to see how well-attended it was, how enthusiastic and involved everyone seemed to be, and how smoothly the entire event flowed. As a writer, I appreciated the knowledge I gained, the other writers I met, and the inspiration I received. As I drove home from the retreat each day, [...]

By |March 7th, 2022|Columns, Health and Well-being, Writing|


I had my annual wellness visit with my doctor last week. I guess they don’t call it a “physical” anymore because it’s not just about checking physical health. There’s a mental and emotional health component as well. They’re all related, of course, so some of the questions on the form I had to fill out asked if – and how often – I’ve felt sad or depressed in the last four weeks, and how many days, if any, I had [...]

By |February 28th, 2022|Columns, Family, Health and Well-being, Writing|

A Change of Heart

I’ve learned a number of things since my husband had a heart attack two weeks ago. Among them are how many steps it takes to circle our house, where to find tofu in the grocery store, and how quickly you can get used to something when your life depends on it. Actually, I already knew that last one, since I had to make a number of dietary and lifestyle changes years ago when I sustained severe heart damage from chemotherapy. [...]

By |February 21st, 2022|Columns, Family, Health and Well-being|

A Heart-Stopping Experience

“You should get some good stories and blog posts out of this,” my husband said. He was right. And the reason he made that comment is the same reason I didn’t get a blog post out at all last weekend. Last Saturday morning, my husband had a heart attack. He was at the health club working out, when he felt a tightness in his chest. Nothing serious, he thought. The kind of thing that happens every once in a while, [...]

By |February 12th, 2022|Columns, Faith, Family, Health and Well-being|