A Week of Reunions
It was my husband’s 50th high school reunion, but we made it a week filled with reunions, from high school classmates and college buddies to other friends and family members we haven’t seen in quite a while. The high school reunion was the main reason for our trip to Chicago. But our first visit when we got into town was with friends we’ve known for well over fifty years. In our younger days, we used to go camping together, often [...]
Out of Town
I’m out of town for a 50-Year High School Reunion, and visiting some family and friends along the way. I’m sure I’ll have a few good stories to tell when I get back! Stay safe! October 5, 2022 ©Betty Liedtke, 2022 I welcome your comments, but please be aware that all comments will be moderated and approved before appearing on this blog. This is to protect all of us from unwanted spam.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
“Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” It’s a wonderful thought, isn’t it? It’s also the name of an organization I learned about recently. I was working a volunteer shift at a Non-Profit Expo sponsored by the Eatonton-Putnam Chamber of Commerce. I was there with Georgia Writers Museum, one of about a dozen charities and non-profits at the Expo. In between the time we spent talking with visitors at our own tables, we had time to visit each other’s. I enjoyed meeting new people, [...]
Endings and Beginnings
“I can’t believe it’s September already.” A number of people have been saying this over the last week or so, and I thought it myself as I turned the calendar page over to the new month. (Yes, I still use a paper calendar on the kitchen counter, in addition to the digital one on my phone.) There’s something about September. It seems to contain more pronounced beginnings and endings than other months. Maybe it’s because the Labor Day weekend is [...]