Madness Marches On
I always used to associate March Madness with a March Blizzard. The two always seemed to go together when we lived in Minnesota, and although the snowstorm was severe, we never worried about it too much, because Spring was around the corner, and we knew the snow wouldn’t last too long. But that was then, this is now. Snowstorms haven’t been an issue for us in the six years we’ve been living in Georgia. So I’m getting used to March [...]
A Computer Cautionary Tale
I’ve just returned to planet earth from the Never-Neverland I’ve been living in for the past few weeks. Also known as “computer problems.” You’ve probably spent some time there on occasion, too. Some problems are merely annoying or frustrating, like computers that start getting sluggish, or screens that freeze up during a video session. Others are more alarming, like malware that slips by your anti-virus protection and can do serious damage to your computer or the information you have stored [...]
Choosing a Favorite
“So—Which place that you visited was your favorite?” I was expecting – and dreading – that question once my husband and I returned from our vacation in Italy. The only accurate and appropriate answer I could give would be the cliché response: “That’s like asking me which child is my favorite,” especially if my children numbered more than a dozen, instead of just two. I was planning to go on a pilgrimage to Italy with my church a number of [...]
What’s on Your Bucket List?
In my blog post last week, I mentioned thinking about bucket list items. This week, I’m out exploring and experiencing one of them. So I don’t have anything to post this week, but I will when I return. In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend. And if you haven’t done so lately, why don’t you take some time to think about some of the activities and adventures that are on your bucket list? Or add some new ones. Then get [...]
A Happy Anniversary
We just passed the one-year anniversary of my husband’s heart attack. It’s not something we went out to celebrate, but we did take notice and reflect. In some ways, it feels like it’s been much longer than a year, but in other ways, it feels more like, “One year? Already?” In many ways, he’s back to how he was before having a heart attack. In other ways, it’s changed both our lives. After his surgery, his doctors warned him it [...]