Whether house is full or empty, we can all feel right at home
A friend of mine was visiting recently, and stayed with us for a week. My son was here, too, taking a week off after two intense years of going to school and working full time. In a way, it was just like old times, when my kids were growing up and both still living at home. And although everyone said, “Don’t go to any trouble, we’ll be fine,” – and I know they meant it – I still fixed some [...]
Email from a friend recognizes an abundant life
“You never cease to amaze me with your over-abundant life. Wow! You are living the Dream!” That was the message I got last week in an email from a cherished friend whom I’ve known since high school. She reads my column online, and was commenting on one I wrote a few weeks ago about attending a Hollywood red-carpet event: a Book Launch and Gala for “Fearless Women, Visions of a New World.” In the column, I also mentioned my trip [...]
A heavenly conversation comes down to earth
“I love you from here to heaven!” That’s what my friend Lucy always tells her twin grandsons. In a way, she’s doing the same thing many of us did when our children or grandchildren were small – spreading our arms out as far as we could while answering our own question of “Do you know how much I love you?” with a stretched-out “Soooooo much.” Or reaching up to the sky, proclaiming “Soooooo big,” as we let our toddlers know [...]
A fearless weekend generates new experiences
A few things I did last week that I have never done before in my life: I walked – and was photographed on – the red carpet at a Hollywood Gala; I attended a baby shower at the home of a Ugandan family living in California; I flew on an official “red eye,” leaving LAX after midnight and returning to Minneapolis just after 6 o’clock on Monday morning. Something I did last week that I have done before – and, [...]
A lifelong teacher learns something new
“Do nothing, and keep moving.” That may sound like confusing and contradictory advice. But it’s something a few friends and I came up with recently, and I think if we all heeded it, we’d be healthier, happier, and in better shape mentally and physically. As individuals and as a society. The discussion started because one of the members of our group is a high school teacher who is retiring at the end of this school year, and we were asking [...]
Is your gratitude showing?
“Count Your Blessings” was the theme of our Toastmasters meeting last week, and the person in charge of Table Topics decided to focus on gratitude. As she opened up that portion of the meeting, she told us that in preparation, she had Googled the word “gratitude.” What she said next caught me totally by surprise. “I’m not sure what made me think to do this,” she said, “but after I typed in ‘gratitude,’ I added the name, ‘Betty Liedtke.’ Do [...]