Enjoying the changes that autumn brings
During the past few weeks, I’ve been at three different Toastmasters meetings where the theme of the meeting was autumn, or the changing of the seasons. At all of them, participants and guests were asked what they liked best about the fall season. Probably the most popular response was about the fall colors. Even though we experience it every year, there’s something magical and mesmerizing about the glorious colors of fall when they first start to appear. Throughout the season, [...]
Travel is time for reconnecting
As the days grow shorter, and the weather turns colder, we start winding down in anticipation of the dark, dreary winter months ahead – at the same time we start revving up in preparation for the holiday hustle and bustle to come. Although I’m busier than ever right now, I’m enjoying the “winding down” feeling, reflecting on some of the events and activities I’ve been taking part in lately. Especially on my mind are the three trips I took between [...]
Giving a little can give a lot
While I was packing and preparing for my trip to Uganda, I joked with family and friends that I’d need to dress in layers for my trip. Not because it was going to take a long time to get there, or because it’s so chilly in airplanes – although both are true. Instead I was afraid I’d have to go more than a week with just the clothes I was wearing, since my luggage was filled to the max with [...]
Enjoying a day of music, mangoes, and memories
Although it was close to midnight when we got home the night before, we were on the road again at 6:30 in the morning, traveling from Kampala to Iganga for my 9:00 program. I would be speaking to teachers at Buckley High School, which is actually a highly acclaimed Girls' Primary Boarding School, with students aged 6-15. My camera was in my lap as we traveled along. Every so often I’d snap a photo of the people and livestock walking [...]
Learning – and unlearning – in Uganda
Editor’s Note: Betty Liedtke is out of town. The following column is one that she wrote after returning from her trip to Uganda last October. This column was originally published on November 10, 2011. A few of the things I learned in Uganda: What ostrich meat and boiled goat taste like; How to say “How are you,” “Fine,” and “Thank you” in Lugandan and Swahili, and how much fun it is to say names like Musa, Magala, and Busembatia out [...]
Back at Home
We’re back home safe and sound from Uganda, and already starting to dream and plan for our next trip. We were so blessed and touched by everyone and everything there, and humbled by how grateful and gracious everyone was for the programs we presented, the gifts and donations we distributed, and the projects we’ve begun that will help provide safer and more promising and fulfilling lives for many families and individuals. As progress continues on building the Miracle [...]