
About bettyliedtke

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So far bettyliedtke has created 721 blog entries.

Buried treasure becomes a book

It’s something that I’ve always dreamed of doing, and that I’ve started a number of times but never quite finished. I’ve helped others do it, and I’ve done it twice as part of a larger group, but never on my own – until now. I’ve just published my first book. I don’t know which was more exciting, holding an actual copy of the book with my name on the cover, or seeing the book listed on Amazon, which made me feel like a “real author” [...]

By |November 11th, 2016|Accountability, Achieving Dreams and Goals, Buried Treasure, Coaching, Columns, Gifts and Talents, Success, Writing|Comments Off on Buried treasure becomes a book

A political speech doesn’t have to be negative

One of the things I love about my Toastmasters club is how much I learn from the other members. During their speeches, I often find out more about subjects that are among my own interests and areas of expertise, because I am able to see another side of them, or a different perspective. I also learn more about occupations, hobbies, and beliefs that are totally different from mine. Another thing I love about our club – and the Toastmasters organization in general – is that [...]

By |November 4th, 2016|Columns, Quotes and Sayings, Toastmasters, Values|Comments Off on A political speech doesn’t have to be negative

It’s time to clean up and clear out

We’ve reached the age and stage in our lives when it’s time to downsize, so my husband and I have been spending our time going through closets and cabinets, boxes and bins, and all the nooks and crannies where “stuff” resides and hides. It’s been an interesting endeavor. Sometimes I feel like I’m on a treasure hunt, especially when I come across something I lost track of years ago, wondering from time to time what ever happened to it. Other times I feel like I’ve [...]

By |October 28th, 2016|Buried Treasure, Columns, Family, Organizing|Comments Off on It’s time to clean up and clear out

We can learn a lot from Camelot

“Camelot” has always been one of my all-time favorite musicals. I’ve probably seen it half a dozen times or so at various theatres over the years, so I was delighted when I heard it was coming back to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatres. I attended last Saturday night’s performance, and loved every second of it – which I expected. I also expected to be singing and humming songs from the show for the next few days, and I was. It’s hard not to. But what I [...]

By |October 21st, 2016|Columns, Values|Comments Off on We can learn a lot from Camelot

What makes you happy?

“Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer, but wish we didn’t.” I don’t remember where I first read that quote, but it makes me smile whenever I think of it. I’m guessing it was meant as a light-hearted observation, but there’s probably more truth to it than we realize. What brought it to mind just recently is a book I am reading, entitled Resisting Happiness, by Matthew Kelly. Not that I consider myself unhappy, or that I believe I’m resisting [...]

By |October 14th, 2016|Accountability, Columns, Faith, Quotes and Sayings, Success|Comments Off on What makes you happy?

An unusual weekend was a weekend well-spent

I spent last weekend in Glenwood, MN, with a fascinating group of people: the Ugandan Ambassador to the United Nations, my Uganda-born friends Tabitha and Magala, local dignitaries and business leaders, and our security detail. I’ve never been part of any group or activity requiring a security detail, and I was a bit intimidated at first. But it quickly became both comforting and reassuring to know they were there as we went about our business. Not that there was anything dangerous or covert about that [...]

By |October 7th, 2016|Achieving Dreams and Goals, Columns, Faith, Making a Difference, Quotes and Sayings, Travel, Uganda, Values|Comments Off on An unusual weekend was a weekend well-spent

Pearls and close encounters can improve your life

In the coaching I do, I have my clients look for a “pearl of wisdom” in between each of our sessions. It can be a major “Aha!” moment that strikes with the force of a lightning bolt, or it can come as a gentle whisper bringing a quiet, yet profound, bit of knowledge or understanding. Either way, these “pearls” can fade away quickly if we don’t make a note of them. Or if we’re not paying attention and don’t even notice them in the first [...]

By |September 29th, 2016|Coaching, Columns, Faith|Comments Off on Pearls and close encounters can improve your life

A family follow-up warms the heart

I got an email a few days ago that had me walking on air. It was from the husband of the woman I wrote about last week. In case you missed that column, it was about a woman I saw in church the previous Sunday. She was at Mass with her four young sons, and I was impressed by them all – the boys, who were very well-dressed and well-behaved, and the mom, who was obviously a woman of strong family values, and who was [...]

By |September 23rd, 2016|Columns, Faith, Family, Values|Comments Off on A family follow-up warms the heart

A close-up view of a saintly woman

It was a few minutes before Mass was to start on Sunday morning. A woman and four young boys came in and sat in the pew in front of me. Two thoughts immediately struck me. The first was, “Wow. That woman must have her hands full!” The other was to note how well-dressed the boys were. They ranged in age from ten to two, which I know because I asked the mom after Mass. Each of the boys, including the youngest, was wearing a button-down, [...]

By |September 16th, 2016|Columns, Faith, Family, Values|Comments Off on A close-up view of a saintly woman

A summer challenge brings everyone home

We did it! We walked around the world in 80 days. For those who may not have read my earlier columns on the subject, a group of women who exercise at the Chanhassen Curves were on a quest to take enough steps, collectively, to literally walk around the world during the 80 days of this summer promotion. A map on the wall charted our progress, and each day or week the members taking part would report the numbers recorded on their Fitbits, pedometers, or whatever [...]

By |September 9th, 2016|Accountability, Columns, Health and Well-being, Quotes and Sayings, Success|Comments Off on A summer challenge brings everyone home