It’s been more than three years now that I’ve been helping and encouraging people to find their buried treasure – the gifts, skills, talents and strengths they don’t even realize they have. One of the many things I’ve discovered in that time is that the more I notice the talents and strengths in other people, the more I find them in myself.

Part of the reason, I’m sure, is simply a matter of awareness. Once something is on our radar, we find more of it in our lives, even when we’re not actively looking for it. Or when we’re looking for it in other places.

This week, make a point of noticing some of the natural talents and strengths in other people. Feel free to point out to them what a gift they have for putting people at ease, or how good they are at explaining difficult, confusing or technical information. Or how much you admire or enjoy working with them because their enthusiasm and determination are so inspiring to you.

While you’re focusing on the traits and talents in other people’s lives, you’ll begin to notice more of your own that you weren’t even aware of. Before long, your “treasure chest” will be filled to overflowing with buried treasure you can use to enrich yourself – and the world!

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